Title: Structural heterogeneity in glass
Time: 10:00 -11:00 AM, August20, 2024
Language: Englishpresentation with English slides
Place: Onsite: Conferenceroom 410, HPSTAR (SH)
Online: #Meeting ID:636-116-025
Host: Qiaoshi Zeng
A supercooled liquid exhibits dynamic and structural heterogeneity,which can be frozen into the glass state upon quenching. Despite significantprogress in understanding the nature of dynamic and static heterogeneity inglass, several fundamental questions remain to be addressed: 1) Why doesstructural heterogeneity exist? 2) How can it be detected and quantified? 3) Howis structural heterogeneity associated with polyamorphism? 4) How does itaffect enthalpy relaxation, physical properties, and functionalities in glass? Inthis talk, I will provide insights into these questions based on variousexperiments, including thermal, dynamical, microstructural, mechanical, andoptical studies. I will also discuss major challenges and perspectives ininvestigating structural heterogeneity in glass.
Biography of the Speaker:
YuanzhengYue is Professor of Chemistry at Aalborg University, Denmark. In 1995, heobtained his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from Technical University ofBerlin, Germany. In 1998, he established the glass research area at AalborgUniversity. His research focuses on glasses, glass fibers and disorderedmaterials. He has published over 390 papers in peer-refereed journals includingNature, Science, Nature Materials. He has delivered more than 130 invited talksat conferences. He is a council member of the International Commission on Glass(ICG) and the founding chair of the ICG Technical Committee for Glass Fibers.He serves as an editor for the European Journal of Glass Science and Technologyand sits on the editorial boards of five other journals. He is an electedfellow of the European Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry,European Ceramics Society, Society of Glass Technology, InternationalAssociation for Advanced Materials, and an elected member of the Danish Academyof Natural Sciences. In 2014, he was awarded Knight's Cross of the Order of theDannebrog of Denmark.