Title: Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO3 and its acoustic velocity at upper mantle conditions
Language: Chinese Presentation with English Slices
Time: 10:00-11:00, Nov. 13, 2024
Place: Onsite:Conference room 410, HPSTAR (SH)
Online: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/h64Wcb8MvcMc # Meeting ID:610-623-209
Host: Dr. Qingyang Hu
Earth’s deep carbon cycle is at the research frontier for a habitable deep Earth. In this talk, I will introduce the phase transition of calcium carbonate from crystalline to amorphous structure under the temperature and pressure conditions of the mantle. Amorphous calcium carbonate feature ultra-low velocity and may have wide implications in the recycle of deep carbon to the Earth's surface and the formation of the ultra-low velocity layer in the mantle.
侯明强,中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院研究员,精密大地测量与定位全国重点实验室副主任,基金委优秀青年基金(海外)获得者。本科毕业于国防科技大学,硕士和博士毕业于中国空间技术研究院。2014年博士毕业后开始从事地球动力学和矿物物理研究,包含地球内部成分和物理化学性质、地核-地幔相互作用、俯冲板片-地幔相互作用、深部水循环和碳循环等。在矿物非晶化、超离子态、地核物质输运性质、地核结构和演化等方面取得了新的认识,目前在The Innovation、Innov. Geosci、Nat. Geosci.、Nat. Commun.、PNAS、PRL、EPSL、GRL、JGR等期刊发表论文20余篇。