Title: Anomalous compression of crystal structures
Time: 9:00 - 9:45 AM, July 8, 2015, Wednesday
Place: HPSTAR seminar room, 3rd floor, Building Dongrong, HPSTAR (Changchun)
Host: Dr. Haozhe Liu
The structural background of the anomalous behavior of crystals subjected to hydrostatic high pressure will be explained. Crystals can exhibit extraordinary monotonic compression within one phase, such as negative-linear and extremely rare negative-area compression, as well as when they undergo phase transitions. The stoichiometry of the crystals can be affected, too. The structural data measured mainly by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction, as well as compressibility measurements in a piston-and-cylinder press will be presented. These anomalous features are particularly strong in soft organic and metal-organic-framework (MOF) crystals and may be useful for applications in advanced sensors and shock absorbers.
Brief Bio of Speaker
Prof. Katrusiak is the head of Department of Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), Poznań, Poland. His Ph. D was granted in AMU in 1983, and he has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers. Prof. Katrusiak is the elected Chairman of IUCr High Pressure Commission since 2014.