




Dr. Eugene Huang [HPSTAR, China]

Title: Status and Feasible Experiments at the TPS | 台湾光源的状态与可能的实验

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Place: Conference room 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)

Host: Dr. Lin Wang


The TPS (Taiwan Photon Source) is a newly established third generation synchrotron facility in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Claimed to generate low emittance and great brilliance beam of the world, the TPS has been available to users and scientists worldwide since October, 2016. Currently, at so called phase I, there are 7 beam lines in operation, providing facilities for conducting X-ray imaging, diffraction, microprobe and scattering experiments. A general scope of these beam lines will be illustrated with the hope that more people can make use of the facilities in expanding their research career.

HPSTAR team has been granted beam time during Dec. 23rd to 27th at beam line 21A where nano-size beam of 120 nm is available for the conduction of diffraction, SEM and EDS analyses. Since this beam line is in its infancy stage, mechanical and electrical stabilities as well as technical problems took place from time to time since its operation in October. Due to the limited beam time available, careful design and arrangement of experiments are required among researchers who wish to run experiments and expect some achievement at beam line 21A.  

It is my attempt to discuss with PIs and make arrangement of the feasible experiments to be conducted at TPS, 21A during 12/23-12/27 period. Also, in the years to come, integrating HP synchrotron research programs so that collaboration among PIs is made possible.

Biography of the Speaker:


Graduated from National Taiwan University, major in geology. Received Ph. D Degree at Cornell University in 1987, major in mineral physics. Advisor Dr. William A. Bassett was also the advisor of Dave Mao.


(1)2 years’ as a geologist at the Central Geological Survey, Taiwan.

(2)2 years’ Postdoctoral Researcher, one year at Department of Geological Sciences, Cornell University and another year at Max Planck Institute in Mainz, Germany.

(3)14 years’ service at Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

(4)11 years’ teaching job at Chongchou University of Science and Technology, serving as Chairperson in 4 different Departments or Divisions.


Application of synchrotron radiation and Raman spectroscopy in the studies of minerals under high pressure and temperature