Title: Deep Water - crystallographic perspective
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Monday, January 29, 2018
Place: Conference room, HPSTAR (Changchun)
Host: Haozhe Liu
Water plays a unique role in promoting and sustaining life. Its global cycle on Earth is not limited to near-surface processes, and involves subduction-driven recycling. When released, due to dehydration in the mantle, water articipates in such dramatic, global scale phenomena as magma generation and earthquake triggering. When mixed with gases such as methane or carbon dioxide at high pressure or low temperature conditions, water forms gas hydrates, which are found on the bottom of the oceans, and are thought to be present in the interiors of the icy satellites in the solar system.
Majority of water in the deep planetary interiors is not present as pure phase. Instead, it gets incorporated into the crystal structures of minerals. Presence of hydrogen bonds, the interatomic interactions by means of which water molecules interact with their neighbors, has consequences for physical properties, behavior and stability of water-bearing minerals. In this talk different modes of incorporation of structural water into minerals will be discussed, along with an overview of hydrogen-bond-related phenomena and effects relevant for planetary interior modeling.
Biography of the Speaker:
Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2016/7- R5 Researcher (Full Professor, tenured)
2013/8-2016/6 R4 Associate Researcher (Associate Professor, tenure track)
Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources, University of Chicago
2013/8-2014/8 Visiting Scholar
2010/4-2013/8 Senior Research Associate (tenured)
2007/6-2010/4 Research Beamline Scientist (tenure track)
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington
2003-2007 Associate Staff Scientist (principal investigator)
2002-2003 Senior Research Scientist
2000-2002 Distinguished Barbara McClintock Postdoctoral Fellow
2014-2015 Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences Distinguished Lecturer
2013 Elected Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America