Title: Plasma in extreme states in the Universe and in the laboratory: correlations and degeneracy
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Thursday, May 10, 2018
Place: Conference room 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Host: Ho-Kwang Mao
A series of experiments with intense quasi-isentropic compression of plasma D2 and He was carried out to get strongly coupled plasma of deuterium and helium at extremely high pressures and densities. Two-stage spherical explosively driven devices were used in these experiments. Accurate simultaneity of initiation of spherical high explosive charges provides a high symmetry of collapsing spherical steel shell which allows to achieve a high degree of spherical symmetry of the compressed plasma. Recordary high parameters of strongly coupled deuterium plasma were obtained through the experiments: pressures up to 11 TPa and density up to 10 g/cc. Helium plasma was compressed ~ 200 times up to density of 8 g/cc and pressures of P ~ 5 TPa. Multi-channel X-Ray complex registration consisting of three betatrons and a multi-channel optic-electronic system was used for registration of X-Ray images and diagnostics for the density of highly compressed plasmas of helium and deuterium. Pressure of compressed plasma was obtained by the hydrodynamic gas-dynamic calculations with the use of EOS taking into account non-ideality of the effects and real characteristics of all parts of experimental devices. Remarkable features of helium and deuterium plasma behaviour at these extremely high pressures, temperatures and densities are discussed with the use of simplified plasma models as well as of the results of computer simulation calculations using first principle approaches. The different theoretical models of plasma phase transitions in these conditions are considered in comparison with shock wave experiments. Exclusively important role of quantum degeneracy effects as well as of strong correlation effects is analysed on the basis of the experimental data obtained.
Biography of the Speaker:
Academician Vladimir Evgenievich FORTOV is a well-known scientist in the field of plasma and space physics, extremely high pressures and temperatures, physics and chemistry of strong shock and detonation waves, pulsed energetics. He is Head of Department for Power, Industry, Machine Building, Mechanics and Control Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Scientific Director of the Joint Institute for High Temperature of RAS. He was awarded many prizes. He is also the member of many Academies. V. Fortov was the Minister of Science and Technology and Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. He was the President RAS and the Member of the UN Secretary-General's Scientific Advisory Board. He is the vice-chairman of the Presidential Council for Science and Education.
Professor Fortov is the author more than 30 books and 300 original articles.
His Hirsh index is 54.