Title: Redoxreaction and Earth’s deep volatile cycle
Time: 10:00 - 11:00,Wednesday July 25, 2018
Place: Conferenceroom 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Host: Ho-Kwang Mao
Polycom: 02120004
Redox reactions play unparalleled roles in Earth’s evolutioninto a habitable planet, yet many fundamental questions remain poorlyunderstood. What was the initial redox state of the Earth’s mantle and how didit change with time? Is metallic iron present in most of the mantle assuggested by several experiment studies? Can magnesium oxide and silicon oxideprovide chemical buoyancy force to drive the Earth’s dynamo for two billionyears? In this seminar, I will share the results of our recent experimental andmodeling investigations into the roles of redox reactions on Earth’s deepvolatile cycle.
Biography of the Speaker:
B.S. University ofScience and Technology of China (Geochemistry)
M.A. HarvardUniversity (Geophysics)
Ph.D. Harvard University (Earth and Planetary Sciences)
2010- Professor, Associate Professor, Dept. Earth &Environmental Sci., University of Michigan
2003-2009 Associate, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology,University of Illinois
2000-2003 Postdoctoral Associate, Geophysical Laboratory,Carnegie Institution for Science
1998-2000 Gilbert Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Institutionfor Science
1996-1997 Resident Tutor, Winthrop House, Harvard University
2018 Blaustein Visiting Professor, Stanford University
2013 Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences
2013 Short-Stay Visitor, Institute of Advanced Studies,University of Western Australia
2012 Japan Global Center of Excellence Scholar
2012 Tharp Fellow, Columbia University
2010 Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America
2009-2010 COMPRES Distinguished Lecturer
2009-2010 Center for Advanced Study Fellow, U. Illinois
2009-2010 Helen Corley Petit Scholar, U. Illinois