Title: Infrared spectroscopy at high pressures
Time: 10:00-11:00, Jan. 25, 2019
Place: Conference room 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Host: Ross Howie
Polycom: 02120004
It is well known that vibrational spectroscopy, is one of the main tools to investigate the matter under extreme conditions. Phase transitions and changes of the intermolecular interactions can be detected by means of Raman scattering with micrometer spatial resolution up to the highest pressures. On the other hand, IR absorption, is very sensitive even to subtle changes of the chemical bond and is not limited by fluorescence.
I will show some examples of my research where IR spectroscopy has unveiled important physical insights on matter under high pressures.
Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Federico Gorelli is an expert in the design and use of spectroscopy systems to study matter under extreme conditions. He is currently a CNR researcher at the INO (National Institute of Optics) and is associated with LENS (European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy).
Federico has over 80 research papers, which include publications in Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Materials and PRL. His research interests cover a broad range of systems from simple molecules (O2, N2, CO2) and metals (Li, Na), to more complex systems such as zeolites and piezoelectric ceramics.