Title: Nanoscale Physics through Quantitative Electron Microscopy in SingleCrystals of Quantum and Functional Materials
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Thursday, May 20, 2021
Place: Conference room A417, HPSTAR (Beijing)
Tencent meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/L2SPTmX51jBs , Meeting ID: 752 655 929
Host: Xiang Gao
Developing and designing new quantum materials and functional materials strongly require the ability to correlate lattice structures, electron behaviors and their coupling to functionalities at atomic scale. (Scanning) transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) is a versatile platform that owns a powerful capability for these investigations through high spatial resolution imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy techniques. We recently have developed unique quantitative electron microscopy techniques to accurately and precisely understand nanoscale physics in these materials. In this presentation, I will demonstrate how the quantitative STEM can accurately and precisely investigate and reveal novel complicated lattice structures, local concealed lattice defects, electron distribution maps, and picometer-level lattice response to the coupling between lattice and electron.
Biography of the Speaker:
Professor Qiang Zheng
CAS Key Laboratory of Standardization and Measurementfor Nanotechnology
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing China
Email: zhengq@nanoctr.cn
· Education
2002.9-2006.7 Nanjing University, Bachelor
2006.9-2012.7 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS, Ph.D.
· Working Experience
2012.8-2013.5 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS, Ass. Prof.
2013.5-2015.12 Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Postdoctoral researcher
2016.1-2019.12 OakRidge National Laboratory, Postdoctoral researcher
2020.1-present National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Professor
· Research Interests
1. Development and application of aberration-corrected electron microscopy,
2. Multi-scale structures of correlated quantum materials and functional materials;
3. Dynamic process and mechanism of materials atnanoscale
· Selected Publications
1. Chaojun Lei,# Qiang Zheng,# Fanpeng Cheng, Yang Hou,* Bin Yang, Zhongjian Li, Zhenhai Wen, Lecheng Lei, Guoliang Chai,* and Xinliang Feng,* High-Performance Metal-Free Nanosheets Array Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Acid, Advanced Functional Materials 30, 2003000 (2020).
2. Qiang Zheng, Carlos A. Polanco, Mao-Hua Du, Lucas R. Lindsay, Miaofang Chi, Jiaqiang Yan, and Brian C. Sales, Antisite pairs suppress the thermal conductivity of BAs, Physical Review Letters 121, 105901 (2018).
3. Qiang Zheng,* Nathaniel J. Schreiber, Hong Zheng, Jiaqiang Yan, Michael A. McGuire, J. F. Mitchell, Miaofang Chi,* and Brian C. Sales,* Real Space Visualization of Competing Phases in La0.6Sr2.4Mn2O7 Single Crystals, Chemistry of Materials 30, 7962–7969 (2018).