Title: Shock Metamorphic Features of Minerals from the Xiuyan Impact Crater
Time: 10:00- 11:00, Tuesday, Jan. 16th, 2024
Place: 6-410, Shanghai Lecture Hall of HPSTAR;Online: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/Yeh4L0QBvUp3
#Meeting ID:455-459-092
Language: Chinese
Host: Dr. Min Chen
Impact cratering is one of the most important and fundamental geological process on the rocky planets. So far, about 200 impact structures have been identified on Earth and only three of them are located at China, namely Xiuyan, Yilan, and Baijifeng. Shock metamorphic features in mineral and rock (planar deformation features, coesite, stishovite, reidite, diaplectic glass, shatter cone, and so on) are only criteria required to confirm impact origin of a crater on Earth. Xiuyan crater is a simple impact crater with diameter of 1800m. A scientific drillhole was drilled at the center of the crater and some strongly shocked impact breccias were collected. The reporter will introduce studies of the impact breccias in the past few years, including crystallization of coesite from silicon glass, planar deformation features in quartz, decomposition and recrystallization of zircon, and decomposition of amphibole, as well as cratering process of Xiuyan.