Title: The story of water of the Moon revealed by the Chang'e-5 lunar soils
Language: Chinese presentation with English slides
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM, Thursday, July 4th, 2024
Place: Conference room A417, HPSTAR (Beijing)
Online: Tencent Meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/zIONTVdz7EY6 Meeting ID: 332-940-149
Host: Dr. Huijuan Li
The water abundance and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the rocks derived from lunar mantle are crucial to unravel the formation and evolution for the Moon. Meanwhile, one of the biggest breakthroughs of lunar sciences in the past decade is the discovery of water on the Moon. This presentation will follow the water of the Moon and focus on the first lunar return lunar sample (Chang’e-5) of China to unravel the mysteries of water of the Moon.
Brief introduction of the speaker:
Representative Publications:
Hu, S., He, H., Ji, J., Lin, Y., Hui, H., Anand, M., Tartese, R., Yan, Y., Hao, J., Li, R., Gu, L., Guo, Q., He, H., Ouyang, Z., 2021. A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang'e-5. Nature 600, 49-53.2.
He, H.C., Ji, J.L., Zhang, Y., Hu, S., Lin, Y.T., Hui, H.J., Hao, J.L., Li, R.Y., Yang, W., Tian, H.C., Zhang, C., Anand, M., Tartese, R., Gu, L.X., Li, J.H., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L.H., Li, X.G., Chen, Y., Zhang, L., Ni, H.W., Wu, S.T., Wang, H., Li, Q.L., He, H.Y., Li, X.H., Wu, F.Y., 2023. A solar wind-derived water reservoir on the Moon hosted by impact glass beads. Nature Geoscience 16, 294-300.3.
Hu, S., Lin, Y.T., Zhang, J.C., Hao, J.L., Yang, W., Deng, L.W., 2015. Measurements of water content and D/H ratio in apatite and silicate glasses using a NanoSIMS 50L. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30, 967-978.4.
Ji, J.L., He, H.C., Hu, S., Lin, Y.T., Hui, H.J., Hao, J.L., Li, R.Y., Yang, W., Yan, Y.H., Tian, H.C., Zhang, C., Anand, M., Tartese, R., Gu, L.X., Li, J.H., Zhang, D., Mao, Q., Jia, L.H., Chen, Y., Wu, S.T., Wang, H., He, H.Y., Li, X.H., Wu, F.Y., 2022. Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 591, 117636.5.
Hu, S., Lin, Y.T., Zhang, J.C., Hao, J.L., Yamaguchi, A., Zhang, T., Yang, W., Changela, H., 2020. Volatiles in the martian crust and mantle: Clues from the NWA 6162 shergottite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 530, 115902.