MARCH 15, 2017
Hydrogen-rich materials have been predicted to be promoters for the metallization of hydrogen. A group of scientists led by HPSTAR director, Dr. Ho-kwang Mao has studied Ar(H2)2, a hydrogen-rich material formed by Argon (Ar) and Hydrogen (H2), to 358 gigapascals — almost the pressure in the inner core of the Earth, by combining experimental and theoretical methods. Contrary to the previous thought, it was observed that Ar damps the intermolecular interactions between H2 molecules, an effect as ‘negative’ chemical pressure which postpones metallization. The results were published in Proceeding of the National Academic of Sciences, USA.
Hydrogen molecule (H2), the simplest molecule of the elements and the most abundant element in the universe, is an insulating gas at normal conditions. But under compressing to above 4 million atmosphere pressure – exceeds the pressure at the center of the earth, hydrogen was predicted to be metal and even room-temperature superconductor. Metallic hydrogen thus became a holy grail for materials science because it could be used for superconductors. However either probing the exotic structure of H2 high pressure phase (H is the weakest scatter of X-ray) or transforming H2 into metallic phase presents as extremely grand challenge.
Scientists have predicted that hydrogen-rich material may help the metallization of hydrogen through chemical pressure from the foreign atoms or molecules. Ar(H2)2 belongs to a typical hydrogen-rich material in form of Van der Waals compound. In Ar(H2)2, Ar atoms and H2 molecules are ‘glued’ together by London dispersion force, so that H2 units are preserved. It provides a unique opportunity to explore its crystal structure (due to the presence of heavier atom Ar), molecular properties (Raman), and electronic properties (optical absorption) at the same time to extremely high pressure.
The X-ray beam with high brilliance and sharp focus at beam lines 16-IDB and 13-IDD, APS, ANL, enables X-ray diffraction (XRD) data of Ar(H2)2 to be measured up to 265 GPa — a record pressure for studying hydrogen-rich materials by XRD.
This new study shows that the insulating Ar(H2)2 keeps the MgZn2-type structure in the pressure range up to at least 358 GPa. A splitting of the H2 vibron recorded above 216 GPa points to a molecular orientational ordering transition.
“Now, our work have clarified previous controversies in crystal structures of Ar(H2)2 at high pressures”, said Dr. Chen Ji, the first author on the study, leading the experimental work.
To explore the pressure affected electronic features on Ar(H2)2, the researchers measured the molecular vibrational properties and electronic properties by an advanced confocal micro-Raman system with 660 nm excitation to 358 GPa.
“Our results suggest that Ar does not facilitate the molecular dissociation and bandgap closure of H2, moreover it works in the opposite direction,” explained Dr. Mao. “The results provide a solid basis for future searches of hydrogen-rich materials which facilitate metallization of hydrogen.”
Caption: XRD (Right bottom), Raman(left) and optical absorption spectroscopy (top right) of Ar(H2)2 at 265 and 358 gigapascals in diamond anvil cell (Middle). Image courtesy of Cheng Ji.
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