SEPTEMBER 26, 2019
An international team led by HPSTAR director Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao succeeded in determining how hydrogen molecules are packed at extremely high pressures. Their work solved the long-standing mystery of what is the structure of the dense form of hydrogen, called phase IV (Roman numeral four). This work is published in Nature.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe. Under compression, the tenuous hydrogen gas solidifies and then transforms to a number of dense, solid forms. It has been predicted that hydrogen will eventually turn into a ‘wonder’ material that contains the highest energy density, is a room temperature superconductor (conducts electricity without any resistance), flows uphill as a superfluid, and may represent a novel state of matter governed by unknown new physics. Relentless pursuit of this novel form of hydrogen over the past century has brought us close to the pressure range where this ‘wonder’ material was expected, and several new forms of hydrogen have been discovered along the way. However, the structure of hydrogen under extreme conditions is very difficult to identify, and these newly discovered hydrogen phases remained undefined.
Using the intense x-rays from large synchrotron facilities including the Advanced Photon Source in the US and the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility in China, Mao’s team overcame the previous challenge that hydrogen is relatively invisible using x-rays, and solved the crystal structure of one of the new forms of hydrogen, called phase IV. Surprisingly, the hydrogen molecules are packed with a hexagonal symmetry, like a snow flake. The hexagonal crystals are flattened under compression, leading to the electronic transformation that forms phase IV.
‘‘We must understand phase IV, which plays a pivotal role linking ordinary hydrogen to the exotic metallic form.’’ said Cheng Ji, the lead author of this work, ‘‘This study was very challenging. It took me five years to resolve the many technical problems, so is very exciting that we can finally solve the structure unequivocally.’’
‘‘Hydrogen under extreme condition has been one of the main focuses and grand challenges of the physics community for many decades.’’ added Ho-Kwang Mao, ‘‘At HPSTAR, we gathered experts on hydrogen, with the aim to not only discover new forms of hydrogen, but also provide reliable characterization in order to understand the novel physics of these high pressure phases. The current work is one such example which paves the road for understanding the metallization process of hydrogen.’’
The research team includes Ho-Kwang Mao, Cheng Ji, Bing Li, Jinfu Shu, Junyue Wang, and Wenge Yang of HPSTAR, Wenjun Liu, Jesse S. Smith, Guoyin Shen, Yue Meng, Ruqing Xu, and Xianrong Huang of Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Vitali B. Prakapenka and Eran Greenberg of University of Chicago, Stanislav Sinogeikin of DACTOOL. Inc, Arnab Majumdar, Wei Luo, and Rajeev Ahuja of Uppsala University, and Wendy L. Mao of Stanford University.
Caption: The strong synchrotron X-ray beam shoots on solid hydrogen squeezed in between two diamonds, showing the crystal structure (the pattern of how molecules are arranged in the atomic level) of hydrogen at millions of atmosphere pressure.