




Prof. Zhengtang Luo [Hong Kong University of Science and Technology]

Title:   Preparation of Graphene and 2D Materials

Time:   2:00 – 3:00 PM, June 30, 2015, Tuesday

Place:  Conference room 201, Build 6, HPSTAR (Shanghai)

Host:   Dr. Xiao-Jia Chen


We report the preparation of large-size singlecrystal monolayer, bilayer graphene and 3D graphene materials, as well as other 2D materials.  We successfully obtained single crystals with diameter > 5.9 mm, by control the surface oxidation to reduce nucleation density and consequently to control graphene grains sizes.  Similar method can be applied to the synthesis of large size bilayer graphene. Electron transport measurement on those produced graphene has shown carrier mobility that is comparable with that of mechanical exfoliated graphene, indicating the high quality of our graphene sample. In addition, we have demonstrated the preparation of 3D graphene structure and other 2D materials that can be used for electronic applications.

Biography of the Speaker:

Prof. Zhengtang Tom Luo is currently an assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has obtained his bachelor degree from South China University of Technology and PhD from University of Connecticut. He has expertise in nanomaterials synthesis and product development for applications in the areas of materials chemistry, chemical separation and electronic devices. He is co-inventor of the two US patents. He is the author of >30 scientific publications. He serves as Editorial Board member for Journal of Macromolecule Science and the associate editor for AIP Advances.  In 2010, he founded Graphene Frontiers LLC, a Pennsylvania-based company, which has attracted almost 2M US dollar investments. His current research interest focuses on graphene materials. He is the principal investigator for ~7 research proposals with a total amount of HK$4 million including 1  National Science Foundation (US), 1 National Science Foundation of China.