Dr. Qiaoshi(Charles) Zeng is a staff scientist at Shanghai Laboratory of HPSTAR. His research interest is focused on understanding the structure, properties of amorphous materials and new materials synthesis. He has a lot of experience in developing and utilizing various amorphous materials dedicated in situ high pressure techniques including synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction, imaging and spectroscopy etc. Dr. Zeng has published 118 papers in international journals (3 in Science, 3 in Nature, 5 in PNAS, 5 in PRL, 7 in Nature Communications,1 in National Science Review).
Dr. Zeng earned his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2005, and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University in 2010. He is the recipient of a number of honors including the National Science and Technology Innovation Award for Youth in China in 2009, the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award in China in 2012, Outstanding Young Scientist of Chinese Amorphous Alloys and Application Society in 2017, and Outstanding Young Scientist of Chinese High Pressure Physics Society in 2021.
Selected publications:
31. Di Peng,Q.S. Zeng,*Fujun Lan, Zhenfang Xing, Zhidan Zeng, Xiaoxing Ke, Yang Ding, Ho-kwang Mao*, Origin of the near-room temperature resistance transition in lutetium with H2/N2 gas mixture under high pressure, National Science Review, nwad337 (2023).
30. Xin Zhang ,† Hongbo Lou,† Beatrice Ruta,* Yuriy Chushkin, Federico Zontone, Shubing Li, Dazhe Xu, Tao Liang, Zhidan Zeng, Ho-kwang Mao,* Q.S. Zeng,* Pressure-induced nonmonotonic cross-over of steady relaxation dynamics in a metallic glass, PNAS, 120, e2302281120 (2023).
29. Zhidan Zeng, Jianguo Wen, Hongbo Lou, Xin Zhang, Liuxiang Yang, Lijie Tan, Benyuan Cheng, Xiaobing Zuo, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao,* Ho-kwang Mao,* Q.S. Zeng, *Preservation of high-pressure volatiles in nanostructured diamond capsules, Nature, 608, 513 (2022).
28. Xin Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Hongbo Lou, Tao Liang, Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Ziliang Yin, Liang Wang, Jianrong Zeng, Yang Ren, Zhidan Zeng, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao,*Q.S. Zeng,*Highly Tunable Chemical Short-Range Order in a High-Entropy Metallic Glass, Mater.Today Phys., 27, 100799 (2022).
27. Songyi Chen, Dazhe Xu, Xin Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Ye Liu, Tao Liang, Ziliang Yin, Sheng Jiang, Ke Yang, Jianrong Zeng, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Q.S. Zeng,* Reversible linear compression behavior of free volume in a metallic glass, Phys.Rev.B, 105, 144201 (2022).
26. Xin Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Fei Zhang, Hengwei Luan, Tao Liang, Shubin Li, Xiehang Chen, Yang Shao, Ke-Fu Yao,* Zhidan Zeng, Q.S. Zeng,* Pressure-induced local structural crossover in a high-entropy metallic glass,Phys.Rev.B, 105, 224201 (2022).
25. Q.F. He, J.G. Wang, H.A. Chen, Z.Y. Ding, Z.Q. Zhou, L.H. Xiong, J.M. Pelletie, J.C. Qiao, Q. Wang, L.L. Fan, Y. Ren,Q.S. Zeng, C.T. Liu, C.W. Pao*, D.J. Srolovitz*, Y. Yang,* A highly distorted ultraelastic chemically complex Elinvar alloy, Nature, 602, 251 (2022).
24. Jingyang Zhang,# Qing Yu,# Qing Wang,# Jia Li, Zhibo Zhang, Tianyu Wang, Shuo Shuang, Qihong Fang,*Qiaoshi Zeng,*and Yong Yang,* Strong yet Ductile High Entropy Alloy Derived Nanostructured Cermet, Nano Lett., 22, 7370 (2022).
23. Qing Yu, Jingyang Zhang, Jia Li, Tianyu Wang, Minhyuk Park, Quanfeng He, Zhibo Zhang, Tao Liang, Xue Ding, Yang Yang Li, Qing Wang,*Q.S. Zeng,*and Yong Yang*, Strong, Ductile, and Tough Nanocrystal-Assembled Freestanding Gold Nanosheets, Nano Lett., 22, 822 (2022).
22. Hengwei Luan,#Xin Zhang,#Hongyu Ding, Fei Zhang, J. H. Luan, Z. B. Jiao, Ranbin Wang, Jialun Gu, Chunlin Shao, Yang Shao*,Q.S. Zeng,*Na Chen*, C.T. Liu, Ke-Fu Yao*, High-entropy induced glass-to-glass transition in a metallic glass, Nat.Commun., in press (2022).
21.Changxin Chen,* Yu Lin, Wu Zhou, Ming Gong, Justin Zachary Wu, Jian Nong Wang, Fan Yang, Kai Tak Lam,Q.S. Zeng, Wenpei Gao, Jian-min Zuo, Jie Liu, Guosong Hong, Alexander L. Antaris, Meng-Chang Lin, Jing Guo, Wendy L. Mao,* Hongjie Dai,* Sub-10-nm graphene nanoribbons with atomically smooth edges from squashed carbon nanotubes,Nat.Electron., 4, 653 (2021).
20. Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Songyi Chen, Peng Luo, Xiehang Chen, Yang Ren, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Clemens Prescher, Xiaobing Zuo, Tao Li, Jianguo Wen, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Sheng, Q.S. Zeng,* Two-way tuning of structural order in metallic glasses, Nat.Commun., 11, 314 (2020).
19. Benyuan Cheng, Hongbo Lou, Abhishek Sarkar, Zhidan Zeng, Fei Zhang, Xiehang Chen, Lijie Tan, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Jianguo Wen, Ruzica Djenadic, Horst Hahn, Q.S. Zeng,* Pressure induced tuning of lattice distortion in a high-entropy oxide, Commun.Chem., 2, 114 (2019).
18.Fei Zhang, Yuan Wu, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Vitali Prakapenka, Eran Greenberg, Yang Ren, Jinyuan Yan, John S. Okasinski, Xiaongjun Liu, Yong Liu,Q.S. Zeng,*Zhaoping Lu,*Polymorphism in a high-entropy alloy,Nat.Commun., 8, 15687 doi:10.1038/ncomms15687 (2017).
17.Q.S.Zeng,*Yu Lin, Yijin Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Crystal Y. Shi, Bo Zhang, Hongbo Lou,Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Yoshio Kono, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park,Wenge Yang, Weihua Wang, Hongwei Sheng, Ho-kwang Mao, Wendy L. Mao,General 2.5 Power Law of Metallic Glasses,PNAS,113, 1714 (2016).
(Highlights link:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160208213843.htm)
16.Q.S. Zeng, Hongwei Sheng, Yang Ding, Lin Wang, Wenge Yang, Jian-Zhong Jiang, Wendy L. Mao, and Ho-Kwang Mao,Long-Range Topological Order in Metallic Glass,Science,332, 1404 (2011).
(Highlights link:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110616142724.htm )
15.Q.S. Zeng,*Y.Kono, Y. Lin, Z.D. Zeng, J.Y. Wang, S. V. Sinogeiking, C. Park, Y. Meng, W. Yang, H.K. Mao, W. L. Mao, Universal Fractional Noncubic Power law for Density of Metallic Glasses,Phys.Rev.Lett., 112, 185502 (2014).
14.Q.S. Zeng, Y. Ding, W. L. Mao, W. Yang, J. Shu, S. V. Sinogeikin, H.-k.Mao, and J.Z. Jiang, Origin of Pressure-Induced Polyamorphism in Ce75Al25 Metallic Glass,Phys.Rev.Lett., 104,105702 (2010).
(Highlights link:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100316142525.htm )
13.Q.S. Zeng, Y. Ding, W. L. Mao, W. Luo, A. Blomqvist, R. Ahuja, W. Yang, J. Shu, S.V. Sinogeikin, Y. Meng, D. Brewe, J. Z. Jiang, and H.-k.Mao, Substitutional alloy of Ce and Al,PNAS, 106, 2515 (2009). (Selected as the Cover Highlights by PNAS)
(Highlights link:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090226082515.htm )
12.Q.S. Zeng, Y.C. Li, C.M. Feng, P. Liermann, M. Somayazulu, G.Y. Shen, H.-k.Mao, R. Yang, J. Liu, T.D. Hu, and J.Z. Jiang, Anomalous compression behavior in LaCe-based metallic glass under high pressure,PNAS, 104, 13565 (2007).
(Highlights link:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702107702298 )
11.D.Z. Chen, C.Y. Shi, Q. An,Q.S. Zeng, W.L. Mao, W.A. Goddard, III, J.R. Greer, Fractal atomic-level percolation in metallic glasses,Science, 349 1306 (2015).
10.L. Yang, G.Q. Guo, L.Y. Chen, C.L. Huang, T. Ge, D. Chen, P.K. Liaw, K. Saksl, Y. Ren,Q.S. Zeng, B. LaQua, F.G. Chen, and J.Z. Jiang, Atomic-scale mechanisms of the glass-forming ability in metallic glasses,Phys.Rev.Lett., 109, 105502 (2012).
9.Q.S. Zeng, Wendy L. Mao, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Qingyang Hu, Yue Meng, Hongbo Lou, Fang Peng, Wenge Yang, Stanislav.V.Sinogeikin and Jian-Zhong Jiang, The Effect of Composition on Pressure-Induced Devitrification in Metallic Glass,Appl.Phys.Lett.102, 171905 (2013).
8.Q.S. Zeng, V.V. Struzhkin, Y.Z. Fang, C.X. Gao, H.B. Lou, X.D. Wang, C. Lathe, W. L. Mao, F.M. Wu, H.-K.Mao, and J.Z. Jiang, Properties of Polyamorphous Ce75Al25 Metallic Glasses,Phys.Rev.B82, 054111 (2010).
7.Q.S. Zeng, Y.Z. Fang, H.B. Lou, Y. Gong, X.D.Wang, K.Yang, A.G. Li, S. Yan, C. Lathe, F.M. Wu, X.H. Yu and J.Z. Jiang, Low-density to high-density transition inCe75Al23Si2 metallic glass,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter.22, 375404 (2010).
6.Q.S. Zeng, J.F. Liu, G.Q. Zhang, L.N. Wang and J.Z. Jiang, Synthesis of LaCe-based bulk metallic glasses with low glass transition temperature, Intermetallics, 15, 753 (2007).
5.Zhidan Zeng, Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov,Q.S. Zeng, Yi Cui, and Wendy L. Mao, A Novel Phase of Li15Si4 Synthesized under Pressure,Adv.Energy Mater., 1500214 (2015).
4.Li Zhang, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Lin Wang, Wendy L. Mao, Q.S. Zeng, Jong Seok Jeong, Andrew J. Wagner, K. Andre Mkhoyan, Wenjun Liu, Ruqing Xu, and Ho-kwang Mao, Disproportionation of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite in Earth’s deep lower mantle,Science, 344, 877 (2014).
3.Zhao Zhao, Haijun Zhang, Hongtao Yuan, Shibing Wang, Yu Lin,Q.S. Zeng, Gang Xu, Zhenxian Liu, Gunvant.K.Solanki, Kirit D. Patel, Yi Cui, Harold Y. Hwang, Wendy L. Mao, Pressure induced metallization with absence of structural transition in layered MoSe2,Nat.Commun.6:7312|DOI:10.1038/ncomms8312 (2015).
2.Yang Ding, Cheng-Chien Chen,Q.S. Zeng, Heung-Sik Kim, Myung Joon Han, Mali Balasubramanian, Robert Gordon, Fangfei Li, Ligang Bai, Dimitry Popov, Steve M. Heald, Thomas Gog, Ho-kwang Mao, and Michel van Veenendaal, Novel Pressure-Induced Monoclinic Metallic Phase of V2O3,Phys.Rev.Lett., 112, 056401 (2014).
1.Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Q.S. Zeng,Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao, and Yi Cui, Insitu measurement of lithiation-induced stress in silicon nanoparticles usingmicro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).
Email: zengqs@hpstar.ac.cn
Phone: +86 (21) 8017-7102
Associate Staff Scientist |
Dr. Hongbo Lou |
Postdocs: |
Tao Liang |
| Recruiting!..... |
Ph.D. Students:
Xin Zhang |
| Ye Liu |

| | 
Fujun Lan |
| Qifan Wang (Joint) |

Dazhe Xu |
| Ziliang Yin |
Master Students: |
Chao Song (Joint) |
Undergraduate Students:
Former members |
Postdocs: |
Dr. Benyuan Cheng |
Associate staff scientist at SILP |
Ph.D. |
Fei Zhang (Joint) |
| Lijie Tan (Joint) |
Assistant staff scientist at HEPS |
| Staff at Sichuan University |
Xiehang Chen |
| Songyi Chen |
Postdoc at Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology |
| Staff at ASML |
Tao Liang (Joint) |
M.S. |
Yuanyuan Xuan |
| Shubin Li (Joint) |
Staff at SMIC |
| Phd.at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Zhi Chen (Joint) |
| Zhaoyue Sun (Joint) |
Staff at ZTE |
| Staff at UNISOC |
Summer intern: |
Yanqing Tang (2015) Physics, Zhejiang University
Ai-Mo Zhang (2015) Physics, Zhejiang University |
Haoran Ji (2016)
Physics, Zhejiang University |
Haoran Wei (2017) Physics, Nankai University
Junyu Zhang (2017) Physics, Zhejiang University
Keqiang Li (2017) Physics, Zhejiang University