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Renbiao Tao 陶仁彪,现北京高压科学研究中心研究员;兰州大学资源与环境学院学士(2009),北京大学地球与空间科学学院博士(2014)。2015年到2019年先后在北京大学、美国卡耐基研究所、法国里昂地质实验室开展博士后工作。2020年1月入职北京高压科学研究中心。 长期从事深部碳、水循环及其对地幔物质不均一性影响的研究。研究方法包括天然样品观察、高温高压实验和热力学计算模拟等。主要研究成果包括:通过天然样品流体包裹体、高温高压实验模拟等工作提出了俯冲带高压非生物甲烷形成机制;通过高温高压实验在蛇纹岩体系中合成了非生物干酪根类物质;通过岩石矿物包裹体观察发现了地球深部氧化还原不均一性特征,通过高温高压实验模拟提出深俯冲沉积碳酸盐是氧化深部地幔最为有效的介质;通过实验限定了系列碳酸盐CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3的高温高温相关系。已经在Science Advance, Nature Communications, Communications Earth and Environment, EPSL, GCA,CG, AM等多种国际期刊发表SCI论文20多篇,引用300多次。 联系方式: renbiao.tao@hpstar.ac.cn 研究成果: |
High-pressure experimental constraints of partitioning behavior of Si and S at the Mercury's inner core boundary R Tao, Y Fei Earth and Planetary Science Letters 562, 116849 | 2021 |
Recycled calcium carbonate is an efficient oxidation agent under deep upper mantle conditions R Tao, Y Fei Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 1-8 | 2021 |
Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization F Huang, S Barbier, R Tao, J Hao, P Garcia del Real, S Peuble, A Merdith, ... Geoscience Data Journal | 2020 |
Metallized ε-FeOOH and the heterogeneous electrical conductivity structure in the lower mantle Y Zhuang, Z Cui, R Tang, R Tao, M Hou, K Li, J Chen, Q Hu | 2020 |
An experimental study of trace element mobility during dehydration of lawsonite blueschist along different PT paths: Implications for geochemical heterogeneity of Earth’s mantle R Tao, L Zhang, X Liu, S Li Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 197, 104389 | 2020 |
A review of H2, CH4, and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis S Barbier, F Huang, M Andreani, R Tao, J Hao, A Eleish, A Prabhu, ... Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 209 | 2020 |
Redox evolution of western Tianshan subduction zone and its effect on deep carbon cycle R Tao, L Zhang, L Zhang Geoscience Frontiers 11 (3), 915-924 | 2020 |
The formation of graphite-rich eclogite vein in SW Tianshan (China) and its implication for deep carbon cycling in subduction zone J Zhu, L Zhang, R Tao, Y Fei Chemical Geology 533, 119430 | 2020 |
Abiotic hydrocarbon formation in serpentinization experiments: network analysis on a comprehensive dataset F Huang, S Barbier, M Andreani, R Tao, J Hao, A Eleish, A Prabhu, ... AGU Fall Meeting 2019 | 2019 |
Abiotic hydrocarbon formation in serpentinization experiments: network analysis on a comprehensive dataset A Eleish, F Huang, S Barbier, M Andreani, R Tao, J Hao, A Prabhu, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, V11C-11 | 2019 |
Carbonation and decarbonation reactions: Implications for planetary habitability EM Stewart, JJ Ague, JM Ferry, CM Schiffries, RB Tao, TT Isson, ... American Mineralogist 104 (10), 1369-1380 | 2019 |
Experimental Evidence for Partially Dehydrogenated ε-FeOOH Y Zhuang, Z Cui, D Zhang, J Liu, R Tao, Q Hu Crystals 9 (7), 356 | 2019 |
Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO 3 at high pressure and implications for recycled CaCO 3 in subduction zones M Hou, Q Zhang, R Tao, H Liu, Y Kono, H Mao, W Yang, B Chen, Y Fei Nature communications 10 (1), 1-8 | 2019 |
Serpentinization and hydrocarbon formation from experiments: a machine learning approach. F Huang, S Barbier, M Andreani, R Tao, J Hao, O Minhas, K Fontaine, ... Geophysical Research Abstracts 21 | 2019 |
Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO3 at high pressure: Implication for recycled CaCO3 in the transition zone M Hou, Q Zhang, R Tao, H Liu, Y Kono, HK Mao, W Yang, Y Fei AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, MR23B-0095 | 2018 |
Formation of abiotic hydrocarbon from reduction of carbonate in subduction zones: Constraints from petrological observation and experimental simulation R Tao, L Zhang, M Tian, J Zhu, X Liu, J Liu, HE Höfer, V Stagno, Y Fei Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 239, 390-408 | 2018 |
Cold deep subduction recorded by remnants of a Paleoproterozoic carbonated slab C Xu, J Kynický, W Song, R Tao, Z Lü, Y Li, Y Yang, M Pohanka, ... Nature communications 9 (1), 1-8 | 2018 |
Si-disordering in MgAl2O4-spinel under high PT conditions, with implications for Si-Mg disorder in Mg2SiO4-ringwoodite L Liu, X Liu, X Bao, Q He, W Yan, Y Ma, M He, R Tao, R Zou Minerals 8 (5), 210 | 2018 |
Significant contrast in the Mg-CO isotopes of carbonate between carbonated eclogite and marble from the SW Tianshan UHP subduction zone: Evidence for two sources of recycled carbon R Tao, L Zhang, S Li, J Zhu, S Ke Chemical Geology 483, 65-77 | 2018 |
Experimental investigation of Fe3+-rich majoritic garnet and its effect on majorite geobarometer R Tao, Y Fei, ES Bullock, C Xu, L Zhang Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 225, 1-16 | 2018 |