41. S Cai, JY Zhao, N Ni, J Guo, R Yang, PY Wang, JY Han, SJ Long, YZ Zhou, Q Wu, XG Qiu, T Xiang, RJ Cava and LL Sun*, The breakdown of both strange metal and superconducting states at a pressure-induced quantum critical point in iron-pnictide superconductors, Nature Communications 14,3116 (2023)
40 S Cai, J Guo, HY Shu, LX Yang, PY Wang, YZ Zhou, JY Zhao, JY Han, WG Yang, T Xiang, HK Mao and LL Sun*, No evidence of superconductivity in a compressed sample prepared from lutetium and H2/N2 gas mixture, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 8,048001 (2023)
39. YZ Zhou, J Guo, S Cai, JY Zhao, GD Gu, CT Lin, HT Yan, C Huang, CL Yang, SJ Long, Y Gong, YC Li, XD Li, Q Wu, JP Hu, XJ Zhou, T Xiang and LL Sun*, Quantum phase transition from superconducting to insulating-like state in a pressurized cuprate superconductor, Nature Physics 18 406(2022)
38. CL Yang, J Guo, S Cai, YZ Zhou, VA Sidorov, C Huang, SJ Long, YG Shi, QYi Chen, SY Tan, Q Wu, P Coleman, T Xiang and LL Sun*, Quasi-uniaxial pressure induced superconductivity in the stoichiometric compound UTe2, Physical Review B 106, 024503 (2022)
37. S Long, L Chen, Y Wang, Y Zhou, S Cai, J Guo, YZ Zhou, K Yang, S Jiang, Q Wu, G Wang*, JP Hu*, and LL Sun*, Flipping of antiferromagnetic to superconducting states in pressurized quasi-one-dimensional manganese-based compounds, Physical Review B 106, 214515 (2022)
36. J Guo, C Huang, HX Luo, HX Yang, LL Wei, S Cai, YZ Zhou, HC Zhao, XD Li, YC Li, K Yang, AG Li, PJ Sun, JQ Li, Q Wu, RJ Cava and LL Sun*, Observation of three superconducting transitions in the pressurized CDW-bearing compound TaTe2, Physical Review Materials (Letter) 6, 051801 (2022)
35. C Huang, J Guo, K Zhao, F Cui, SS Qin, QG Mu, YZ Zhou, S Cai, CL Yang, S Long, K Yang, AG Li, Q Wu, ZA Ren, JP Hu and LL Sun*, Reemergence of superconductivity in pressurized quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Mo3As3, Physical Review Materials (Letter) 5, 021801 (2021)
34. SJ Long, S Cai, R Schönemann, PF Rosa, L Balicas, C Huang, J Guo, YZ Zhou, JY Han, LQ Zhou, YC Li, XD Li, Q Wu, HM Weng, T Xiang and LL Sun*, Observation of nearly identical superconducting transition temperatures in the pressurized Weyl semimetals MIrTe4 (M = Nb and Ta), Physical Review B 104, 144503 (2021)
33. J Guo, YZ Zhou, C Huang, S Cai, YT Sheng, GD Gu, CL Yang, GC Lin, K Yang, AG Li, Q Wu, T Xiang and LL Sun*, Crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional superconducting states in bismuth-based cuprate superconductor, Nature Physics 16 295(2020)
32. J Guo, GY Sun, BW Zhao, L Wang, WS Hong, VA Sidorov, NS Ma, Q Wu, SL Li, ZY Meng*, AW Sandvik* and LL Sun*, Quantum Phases of SrCu2(BO3)2 from High-Pressure Thermodynamics, Physical Review Letters 124, 206602(2020)
31. GC Lin, J Guo, YL Zhu, S Cai, YZ Zhou, C Huang, CL Yang, SJ Long, Q Wu, ZQ Mao. T Xiang and LL Sun*, Correlation between Fermi surface reconstruction and superconductivity in pressurized FeTe0.55Se0.45, Physical Review B 101, 214525 (2020)
30. C Huang, J Guo, JF Zhang, K Stolze, S Cai, K Liu, HM Weng, ZY Lu, Q Wu, TXiang, RJ Cava and LL Sun*, RSAVS superconductors: Materials with a superconducting state that is robust against large volume shrinkage, Physical Review Materials (Rapid) 4, 071801 (2020)
29. YZ Zhou, PS. Rosa, J Guo, S Cai, R Yu, S Jiang, K Yang, AG Li, QM Si, Q Wu, Z Fisk, LL Sun*, Hall-coefficient diagnostics of the surface state in pressurized SmB6, Physical Review B 101, 125116 (2020)
28. J Guo, GC Lin, S Cai, CY Xi, CJ Zhang, WS Sun, QL Wang, K Yang, AG Li, Q Wu, YH Zhang, T Xiang*, RJ Cava* and LL Sun*, Record-High Superconductivity in Niobium–Titanium Alloy, Advanced Materials 31, 1807240 (2019)
27. LL Sun and RJ Cava, High-entropy alloy superconductors: Status, opportunities, and challenges, Physical Review Material 3, 090301 (2019) [Review article]
26. S Cai, E Emmanouilidou, J Guo, XD Li, YC Li, K Yang, AG Li, Q Wu,N Ni and LL Sun*, Observation of superconductivity in the pressurized Weyl-semimetal candidate TaIrTe4, Physical Review B (Rapid) 99, 020503 (2019)
25. HH Wang, J Guo, ED Bauer, VA Sidorov, HC Zhao, JH Zhang, YZ Zhou, Z Wang, S Cai, K Yang, AG Li, PJ Sun, YF Yang, Q Wu, T Xiang, JD Thompson* and LL Sun*, Anomalous connection between antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in the pressurized noncentrosymmetric heavy-fermion compound CeRhGe3, Physical Review B 99, 024504 (2019)
24. S Cai, J Guo, VA. Sidorov, YZ Zhou, HH Wang, GC Lin, XD Li, YC Li, K Yang, AG Li, Q Wu, JP Hu, SK Kushwaha, RJ Cava* and LL Sun*, Independence of topological surface state and bulk conductance in three-dimensional topological insulators, npj Quantum Materials 3, 62 (2018)
23. J Guo, Q Wu and LL Sun*, Pressure-induced phenomena and physics in iron-based superconductors, Acta Physica Sinica 67, 207409 (2018) [Review article]
22. Z Wang, J Guo, FF Tafti, A Hegg, S Sen, VA. Sidorov, L Wang, S Cai, W Yi, YZ Zhou, HH Wang, S Zhang, K Yang, AG Li, XD Li, YC Li, J Liu, YG Shi, W Ku*, Q Wu, RJ Cava, and LL Sun*, Pressure-induced melting of magnetic order and emergence of a new quantum state in α-RuCl3, Physical Review B 97, 245149 (2018) [Editors’ suggestion]
21. HH Wang, J Guo, ED Bauer, VA Sidorov, HC Zhao, JH Zhang, YZ Zhou, Z Wang, S Cai, K Yang, AG Li, XD Li, YC Li, PJ Sun, YF Yang, Q Wu, T Xiang, JD Thompson* and LL Sun*, Superconductivity in pressurized CeRhGe3 and related noncentrosymmetric compounds, Physical Review B 97, 064514 (2018)
20. S Cai, SK Kushwaha, J Guo, VA Sidorov, CC Le, YZ Zhou, HH Wang, GC Lin, Li, XD Li, YC Li, K Yang, AG Li,Q Wu, JP Hu, RJ Cava* and LL Sun*, Universal superconductivity phase diagram for pressurized tetradymite topological insulators, Physical Review Materials 2, 114203 (2018)
19. J Guo, HH Wang, F von Rohrc, Z Wang, S Cai, YZ Zhou, K Yang, AG Li, S Jiang, Q Wu, RJ Cava* and LL Sun*, Robust zero resistance in a superconducting high-entropy alloy at pressures up to 190 GPa, PNAS 114, 13144 (2017)
18. J Guo, HH Wang, F Rohr, W Yi, YZ Zhou, Z Wang, S Cai, S Zhang, XD Li, YC Li, J Liu, K Yang, AG Li, S Jiang, Q Wu,T Xiang, RJ Cava and LL Sun*, Electron-hole balance and the anomalous pressure-dependent superconductivity in black phosphorus, Physical Review B 96, 224513 (2017)
17. Y Zhou, Q Wu, PF Rosa, R Yu, J Guo, W Yi, S Zhang, Z Wang, H Wang, S Cai, K Yang, A Li, Z Jiang, S Zhang, X Wei, Y. Huang, YF Yang, Z Fisk, Q Si, ZX Zhao, LL Sun*, Quantum phase transition and destruction of Kondo effect in pressurized SmB6, Science Bulletin 62, 1439 (2017)
16. Q Wu and LL Sun*, Puzzle maker in SmB6: accompany-type valence fluctuation state, Reports on Progress in Physics 80, 112501 (2017) [Key issue Review]
15 YZ Zhou, S Jiang, Q Wu, VA Sidorov, J Guo, W Yi, S Zhang, Z Wang, HH Wang, S Cai, K Yang, S Jiang, A Li, N Ni, GM Zhang*, LL Sun*, ZX Zhao, Observation of a bi-critical point between antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in pressurized single crystal Ca0.73La0.27FeAs2, Science Bulletin 62, 857 (2017)
14. LL Sun and Q Wu, Pressure-induced exotic states in rare earth Hexaborides, Reports on Progress in Physics 79, 084503 (2016) [Review article]
13. YZ Zhou, DJ Kim, PF Rosa, Q Wu, J Guo, S Zhang, Z Wang, DF Kang, W Yi, YC Li, XD Li, J Liu, PQ Duan, M Zi, XJ Wei, Z Jiang, YY Huang, YF Yang, Z Fisk, LL Sun*, ZX Zhao, Pressure-induced quantum phase transitions in a YbB6 single crystal, Physical Review B (Rapid) 92, 241118 (2015)
12. DF Kang, YZ Zhou, W Yi, C Ya, J Guo, YG. Shi, S Zhang, Z Wang, C Zhang, S Jiang, AG Li, K Yang, Q Wu, GM Zhang, LL Sun*, ZX Zhao, "Superconductivity emerging from a suppressed large magnetoresistant state in tungsten ditelluride", Nature Communications 6, 7804 (2015)
11. S Zhang, Q Wu, L Schoop, MN. Ali, YG. Shi, N Ni, Q Gibson, S Jiang, VA Sidorov, W Yi, J Guo, YZ Zhou, DS Wu, PW Gao, DC Gu, C Zhang, S Jiang, K Yang, AG Li, YC Li, XD Li, J Liu, X Dai, Z Fang, RJ Cava, LL Sun*, ZX Zhao, Breakdown of three-dimensional Dirac semimeatl state in pressurized Cd3As2, Physical Review B 91,165133 (2015)
10. PW Gao, R Yu, LL Sun*, HD Wang, Z Wang, Q Wu, MH Fang, GF Chen, J Guo, C Zhang, DC Gu, HF Tian, JQ Li, J Liu, CY Li, XD Li, S Jiang, K Yang, AG Li, QM Si, ZX Zhao, "Role of the 245 phase in alkaline iron selenide superconductors revealed by high-pressure studies", Physical Review B 89, 094514 (2014)
9. PW Gao, LL Sun*, N Ni, J Guo, Q Wu, C Zhang, DC Gu, K Yang, AG Li, S Jiang, RJ Cava, ZX Zhao, "Pressure-Induced Superconductivity and Its Scaling with Doping-Induced Superconductivity in the Iron Pnictide with Skutterudite Intermediary Layers", Advanced Materials 26, 2346 (2014)
8. LL Sun, XJ Chen, J Guo, PW Gao, QZ Huang, HD Wang, MH Fang, X L Chen, GF Chen, Q Wu, C Zhang, DC Gu, XL Dong, K Yang, AG Li, X Dai, HK Mao, ZX Zhao, "Re-emerging superconductivity at 48K in iron chalcogenide", Nature 483, 64 (2012)
7. J Guo, XJ Chen, JH Dai, C Zhang, J Guo, GF Chen, XL Chen, Q Wu, D C Gu, PW Gao, K Yang, X Dai, HK Mao, LL. Sun*, ZX Zhao, "Pressure-driven quantum criticality in iron-selecnide superconductors", Physical Review Letters 108, 197001 (2012)
6. JW Simonson, ZP Yin, M Pezzoli, J. Guo, J Liu, K Post, A Efimenko, N Hollmann, Z Hu, HJ Lin, CT Chen, C Marques, V Leyva, G Smith, J Lynn, LL Sun, G Kotliar, DN. Basov, LH Tjeng, MC. Aronson, "From antiferromagnetic insulator to correlated metal in pressurized and doped LaMnPO", PNAS 109, E1815 (2012)
5. DC Gu, LL Sun*, Q Wu, C Zhang, J Guo, PW Gao, Y Wu, XL Dong, X Dai, ZX Zhao, "Correlation between superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in Rb0.8Fe2-ySe2-zTez single crystals", Physical Review B 85, 174523 (2012)
4. C Zhang, LL Sun*, ZY Chen, XJ Zhou, Q Wu, W Yi, J Guo, XL Dong, ZX Zhao, "Phase diagram of a pressure-induced superconducting state and its relation to the Hall coefficient of Bi2Te3 single crystals", Physical Review B (Rapid) 83, 140504 (2011)
3. LL Sun, J Guo, GF Chen, XH Chen, XL Dong, W Lu, C Zhang, Z Jiang, Y Zou, S Zhang, YY Huang, Q Wu, X Dai, YC Li, J Liu, ZX Zhao, "Valence change of europium in EuFe2As1.4P0.6 and compressed EuFe2As2 and its relation to superconductivity", Physical Review B 82, 134509 (2010)
2. C Zhang, W Yi, LL Sun*, XJ Chen, RJ Hemley, HK Mao, W Lu, XL Dong, LG Bai, J Liu, D. Santos, JJ Molaison, CA Tulk, GF Chen, NL Wang, ZX Zhao, "Pressure-induced lattice collapse in the tetragonal phase of single-crystalline Fe1.05Te", Physical Review B 80, 144519(2009)
1. LL Sun*, T Matsuoka, Y Tamari, K Shimizu, JF Tian, YA Tian, CD Zhang, CM Shen, W Yi, HJ Gao, JQ Li, XL Dong, ZX Zhao, "Pressure-induced superconducting state in crystalline boron nanowires", Physical Review B (Rapid) 79, 140505 (2009)