12 12,2014
Title: Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism in the Novel (Li0.8Fe0.2)OHFeSe Superconductor
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12 10,2014
Title: New Chemistry of Alkali Metal Hydrides and Compressed Hydrogen: Polyhydrides of Sodium
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12 05,2014
Title: Experimental high pressure research and theoretical studies on the reactions of CO2 with SiO2
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11 17,2014
Title: Investigation on Dislocation Mechanism inCrystal Plasticity at Submicron Pillars
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11 07,2014
Title: Double elastic shock response of the diamond-SiC composite under pressure up to 110GPa
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11 05,2014
Title: Coexistence of Superconductivity and Chiral Charge Density Wave in CuxTiSe2
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10 31,2014
Title: Hidden carbon in Earth’s inner core revealed by shear softening in dense Fe7C3
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08 29,2014
Talk Title: Influences of point defects on elasticity of candidate Earth's mantle minerals and superhard materials
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08 29,2014
Talk Title: Pressure induced Polymerization of Unsaturated Compounds and Enhanced Conductivity
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08 26,2014
Talk Title: High-pressure chemistry of zeolites and MOFs; need for high-resolution XRD at low-to-intermediate pressure range
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08 21,2014
Talk Title: Multianvil technology and its application to synthesis of polycrystalline gems
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07 17,2014
Talk Title: Visco-elasticity of solids at extreme conditions - insights into high pressure/temperature anelasticity from crust to core
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07 17,2014
Talk Title: Computational Crystal Structure Prediction on Unprecedented States of Matter under Pressure
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05 04,2014
Talk Title: Development and Application of New Solid Lighting and Transparent Display Materials
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04 02,2014
Talk Title: Size-Dependent Pressure-Induced Phase Transformation and Compressibility in Nanocrystalline Ho2O3
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03 13,2014
Talk Title: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Electrochemical Technologies for Environmental Energy Applications
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