Prof. Wendy L. Mao [Stanford University, USA]
Title: Viewing Planetary Interiors in a Diamond Cell
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Place: Auditorium Room 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Host: Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao
Coupling nanoscale x-ray transmission microscopy (nanoTXM) with a diamond anvil cell has exciting potential as a powerful 3D probe for non-destructive imaging at high spatial resolution of multiple crystalline and amorphous phases which are synthesized under extreme conditions. The ability to also tune the incident energy range allows access to elemental edges for spectroscopic imaging to map coordination and oxidation state, and provides quantitative composition information within the sample. Results from quenched high pressure-temperature experiments and in-situ high pressure measurements which illustrate the potential for this technique will be presented along with implications for understanding planetary interiors and studying novel materials.
Biography of the Speaker:
Wendy L. Mao is an associate professor of Geological Sciences and Photon Science Directorate in Stanford University, USA. Her research interests is pressure induces dramatic changes in materials. She studies the behavior of materials under compression which often leads to the discovery of novel phases and new phenomena. This research has a wide variety of applications including improving the understanding interiors of Earth and other planetary bodies, providing insight into the condensation and evolution of volatiles in planetary systems, and providing guidance for developing new materials for applications like hydrogen fuel storage and advanced batteries. She also teaches classes on understanding the Earth's interior, mineralogy, and a freshman seminar on diamonds.