Prof. Wu, Zhongqing [University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)]
Title: Exploring the Earth's interior with the elasticity of minerals
Time: 15:30 - 16:30, Monday May 21, 2018
Place: Conference room 410, HPSTAR (Shanghai)
Host: Jung-Fu Lin
Polycom: 02120004
The elasticity of minerals at high temperature and pressure is crucial for us in constraining the composition of Earth's interior and interpreting the seismic results. We calculated the elasticity of the major minerals of the Earth's mantle with first-principles calculations. With these elasticity, we discuss the relation between the enrichment of orthopyroxene and low Vp/Vs in the mantle wedge, the relation between the dehydration of superhydrous phase B and the 800-km seismic discontinuity, and the composition of the lower mantle.
Biography of the Speaker:
1997年获四川大学水利系 学士学位,2000年获浙江大学物理系硕士学位,2003年获清华大学物理系博士学位,2003起先后在清华大学高等研究院、明尼苏达大学化工材料系、和 南加州大学化工材料系博士后,2010年起任教于中国科学技术大学,用第一性原理计算研究材料在高温高压下的物性,发展了一个计算高温弹性特性的方法,其所需的计算量不到常规方法的十分之一,利用该方法研究了地幔多个重要矿物的弹性特性,探讨这些结果对认识地球深部组分、温度和动力学结构的意义,已在 Nature、PNAS、JGR等杂志发表论文50多篇