Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research

Fate of water into the earth - Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao

SEPTEMBER 11, 2017

From a geoscientist’s view, the earth is made up of a giant iron core, covered by a thick layer of silicate mantle and a thin coating of crustal rocks. Water concentrates in oceans on Earth’s surface. A portion of water reacts with rocks and forms the so-called hydrous minerals that can transport deep into the mantle. Once they reach the bottom of the mantle, naturally we’ll ask the question: what will happen when water meets the iron core? A team led by Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao, director of HPSTAR published their answer to this question in the latest issue of National Science Review (DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwx109).

“When water meets iron at the bottom of the mantle, it reacts with iron to form a highly oxidized phase”, said Dr. Mao.

The team including collaborators from HPSTAR, Geophysical Laboratory of Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford University, HPCAT and Chicago University, subjected a piece of iron with water under lower mantle pressure-temperature conditions (about 960,000 times atmospheric pressure, and 1900 degrees Celsius). Using synchrotron x-ray diffraction and laser heating, they discovered the formation of an oxygen rich FeO2Hx and iron hydride from the reaction.

The same phenomenon was soon observed in between the extended class of iron oxides and water. Since the earth core can provide almost inexhaustibly amount of iron, with the continuinG:DropboxFeOx_H2OLayersFig4_ver2.pngg transportation of water into the mantle, oxygen will accumulate in FeO2Hx just above Earth’s core.

The research team also finds oxygen tends to store in the form of FeO2Hx, while hydrogen will separate from water and migrate upwards.

“The accumulation of highly oxidized FeO2Hx introduces metastable domains in the mantle”, explained Dr. Mao. “Once it reaches a critical point, it will incur a large scale of oxygen eruption to Earth’s surface that possibly causes major climate change”.

Caption: The oxygen and hydrogen cycling in the deep Earth.


Carnegie Science:https://carnegiescience.edu/news/when-water-met-iron-deep-inside-earth-it-might-have-created-conditions-life



搜狐: http://www.sohu.com/a/204162874_343161
