MAY 7, 2020
New study led by Dr. Gang Liu from HPSTAR reported a new type of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in relaxor-PbTiO3 crystals. Such a novel MPB, referred as “diffused MPB”, results in both high piezoelectricity and thermal stability simultaneously, which is critical for the applications of ferroic materials. This work redefines the core concept in ferroelectrics, and opens a new way for future ferroic materials. The study is published in the flag journal of American Institute of America (AIP), Applied Physics Reviews, which is selected as a featured paper and is highlighted by Scilight which showcases the most interesting research across the physical sciences published in AIP Publishing Journals.
Improving solid solution ferroelectrics can lead to the development of new piezoelectric materials. Hoping to fully realize the potential of these materials, researchers are trying to expand their usage temperature, composition and field range while improving thermal stability.
New research led by Dr. Gang Liu from HPSTAR studied relaxor-PbTiO3 crystals to better understand the impact of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) on the stability and piezoelectricity of the material. With a series of synchrotron measurements, they were able to resolve the fine structure of the material and further characterize its properties.
“Achieving thermal stability is essential to evaluate the application direction of materials. It is especially important if we need to use the materials at various temperature conditions,” said Dr. Gang Liu. “If a material has an improved thermal stability it will be more resistive to temperature variation, then the device made by it will have preferred performances.”
The team discovered a special morphotropic phase boundary linked to high piezoelectricity and increased thermal stability in MPB and Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PIN-PMN-PT) crystals named as a “diffused” MPB was unexpectedly wide, covering 9% of the PbTiO3 system. This resulted in high piezoelectricity and excellent thermal stability.
“We revealed that with appropriate materials-design, MPB can be broadened to a highly expansive composition-temperature region,” said Dr. Liu. “According to these results, we now understand when and why both high performance and great stability can be achieved simultaneously.”
Based on this research, the authors suggested that future piezoelectric materials design should consider the width of MPB. They expect that other ferroic systems, such as lead-free ferroelectrics, ferromagnetics, and multiferroics, may also benefit from “diffused” MPB.
Caption: Schematic mechanism of high piezoelectricity with improved thermal stability in PIN-PMN-PT.