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86. Pei Wang, Yonggang Wang, Jingyu Qu, Qiang Zhu, Wenge Yang, Jinlong Zhu, Liping Wang, Weiwei Zhang, Duanwei He, and Yusheng Zhao, "Pressure-induced structural and electronic transitions, metallization, and enhanced visible-light responsiveness in layered rhenium disulphide", Physical Review B 97, 235202 (2018)

85. Yuyu Li, Zhi Deng, Jian Peng, Jintao Gu, Enyi Chen, Yao Yu, Jianfang Wu, Xiang Li, Jiahuan Luo, Yangyang Huang, Yue Xu, Zhonghui Gao, Chun Fang, Jinlong Zhu, Qing Li, Jiantao Han, Yunhui Huang, "A New P2-type Honeycomb Layered Sodium-ion Conductor: Na2Mg2TeO6", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10(2018)

84. Zhenhua Chi, Xuliang Chen, Fei Yen, Feng Peng, Yonghui Zhou, Jinlong Zhu, Yijin Zhang, Xiaodi Liu, Chuanlong Lin, Shengqi Chu, Yanchun Li, Jinggeng Zhao, Tomoko Kagayama, Yanming Ma, and Zhaorong Yang, "Superconductivity in Pristine 2Ha-MoS2 at Ultrahigh Pressure", Physical Review Letters 120, 037002 (2018)


83. Zhen Yuan, Jinlong Zhu*, Shaomin Feng, Changchun Wang, Lijuan Wang,Qingqing Liu, Changqing Jin, “Wide-Temperature-RangeDielectric Permittivity Measurement under High Pressure”, Chin.Phys. Lett. 34, 13-17(2017)

82.Yuyu Li, Zhi Deng, Jian Peng, Enyi Chen, Yao Yu, Xiang Li, Jiahuan Luo, YangyangHuang, Jinlong Zhu, ChunFang, Qing Li, Jiantao Han, Yunhui Huang, “AP2-Type Layered Superionic Conductor Ga-Doped Na2Zn2TeO6for All-Solid-State Sodium-Ion Batteries”, Chem. Eur. J. 24, 05466 (2017)

81. J. L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, J. L. Zhu,Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, C. Q. Jin, J. C. Yu, “Structural Stability and Phase Transition of Bi2Te3under High Pressure and Low Temperature”, Physica B: Condensed Matter521, 13-16 (2017)

80. Jun Zhang, Jinlong Zhu, Ruipeng Li, Jiye Fang, Zhongwu Wang, "Entropy-Driven Pt3CoNanocube Assembles and Thermally Mediated Electrical Conductivity with Anisotropic Variation of the Rhombohedral Superlattice", NanoLetters 17, 362-367 (2017)

79. M. Jin, F. Sun, L. Xing, S. Zhang, S. Feng, P. Kong, W. Li X. Wang, J. Zhu, Y. Long, H. Bai, C. Gu, R. Yu, W. Yang, G. Shen, Y Zhao, H. Mao, C. Jin, "Superconductivity Bordering Rashba Type Topological Transition", Scientific Reports 7, 39699 (2017)


78. Jinlong Zhu, Shuai Li, Yi Zhang, John W. Howard, Xujie Lü, YutaoLi,Yonggang Wang, Ravhi S. Kumar, Liping Wang, Yusheng Zhao, “Enhanced ionicconductivity with Li7O2Br3 phase in Li3OBranti-perovskite solid electrolyte”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 101904 (2016)

77. Jinlong Zhu, Zewei Quan, Chenyu Wang, Xiaodong Wen, Haitao Yang,Yingbing Jiang, Jiye Fang, Zhongwu Wang, Yusheng Zhao, Hongwu Xu, “StructuralEvolution and Mechanical Behavior of Pt Nanoparticle Superlattices under HighPressure”, Nanoscale 8, 5214-5218 (2016)

76. Jinlong Zhu, Yonggang Wang, Shuai Li, Jörg Neuefeind, Yang Ren, HuiWang, Chengdu Liang, Wenge Yang, Ruqiang Zou, Changqing Jin, Yusheng Zhao, “Sodium Ion Transport Mechanisms inAntiperovskite Electrolytes of Na3OBr and Na4OI2:An in Situ Neutron Diffraction Study”, Inorg.Chem. 55, 5993-5998 (2016)

75. J. Zhu, A. R. Oganov, W. X. Feng, Y. G. Yao, S. J. Zhang,X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, R. C.Yu, C. Q. Jin, X. Dai, Z. Fang, and Y. S. Zhao, “Pressure induced Ag2Tepolymorphs in conjunction with topological non trivial to metal transition ”, AIPAdvances 6, 085003 (2016)

74. Zhang, Jianzhong; Velisavljevic, Nenad; Zhu, Jinlong; Wang, Liping, “Equation of State and Thermodynamic Grüneisen Parameter of Monoclinic1,1-Diamino-2,2-Dinitroethylene”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,(accepted 2016)

73. Sijia Zhang, Kan Zhao, Xiaohui Yu, Jinlong Zhu, Qingqing Liu, Xiancheng Wang, Shaomin Feng,ZhiqiangChen, Yusheng Zhao, and Changqing Jin, “Pressure-induced shift of Tcand structural transition in “122”type pnictidesuperconductor Ca0.34Na0.66Fe2As2, AIP Advances 6, 075104(2016)

72. Li, Y., Zhou, W., Xin, S., Li, S., Zhu, J., Lü, X., Cui, Z., Jia, Q., Zhou, J., Zhao, Y. andGoodenough, J. B. “Fluorine-Doped Antiperovskite Electrolyte forAll-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed..doi:10.1002/anie.201604554 (2016)

71. Yonggang Wang, JinlongZhu, Wenge Yang, Ting Wen, Michael Pravica, Zhenxian Liu, MingqiangHou, Yingwei Fei, Lei Kang, Zheshuai Lin, Changqing Jin and Yusheng Zhao,“Reversible Switching between Pressure-Induced Amorphization and Thermal-DrivenRecrystallization in VO2(B) Nanosheets”, Nature Communications 7,12214 (2016)

70. Y. B. Yang, S. Q. Liu, H. Zhao, W. Y. Yang, R. Wu, Q. Z.Huang, D. Zhoua, H. L. Du, C. S. Wang, Y. C. Yang, H. Xu, J. L. Zhu, O. Gourdon, S. Vogel, J. B. Yang, “Magneticstructure and phase transition of Ni2Mn1.48Sb0.52magnetic shape memory compound”, Scripta Materialia 116, 31-35 (2016)

69. Xujie Lü, John W. Howard, Aiping Chen, Jinlong Zhu, Shuai Li, Gang Wu, Paul Dowden, Hongwu Xu,Yusheng Zhao, and Quanxi Jia, “Anti-Perovskite Li3OCl ElectrolyteFilms for Solid-State Thin-Film Li-Ion Batteries”, Advanced Sciences 3,1500359 (2016)

68. Pei Wang, Yonggang Wang, Liping Wang, Xinyu Zhang,Xiaohui Yu, Jinlong Zhu,Shanmin Wang, Jiaqian Qin, Kurt Leinenweber, Haihua Chen, Duanwei He, andYusheng Zhao, “Elastic, magnetic and electronic properties of iridium phosphideIr2P”, ScientificReports 6, 21787 (2016)

67. Shuai Li, JinlongZhu, Yonggang Wang, John W. Howard, Xujie Lv, Yutao Li, Ravhi S. Kumar,Liping Wang, Luke L. Daemen, Yusheng Zhao, “Reaction mechanism studies towardseffective fabrication of lithium-rich anti-perovskites Li3OX (X=Cl,Br)”, Solid State Ionics, 284 14-19 (2016)


66. Shanmin Wang, Jinlong Zhu(co-first), Yi Zhang, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Wendan Wang, Ligang Bai, Jiang  Qian, Liang Yin, Neil S. Sullivan, Changqing Jin, Duanwei He, Jian Xu and Yusheng Zhao, "Unusual Mott transition in multiferroic PbCrO3", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112, 15320-15325 (2015)

65. Jinlong Zhu, Liuxiang Yang, HsiuWen Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, WengeYang, Xinguo Hong, Changqing Jin and Yusheng Zhao, “Local structural distortionand electrical transport properties of Bi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3perovskite under high pressure”, Scientific Reports 5, 18229 (2015)

64. Yonggang Wang, Qinggei Wang, Zhenpu Liu, Zhengyang Zhou,Shuai Li, Jinlong Zhu,Ruqiang Zou, Yingxia Wang, Jianhua Lin, Yusheng Zhao, “Structural manipulation approaches towards enhanced sodium ionicconductivity in Na-rich antiperovskites”, J. Power Sources, 293735-740 (2015)

63. Lei Han, Shanmin Wang, Jinlong Zhu, Songbai Han, Wenmin Li, Bijuan Chen, X C Wang,Xiaohui Yu, Baochang Liu, Ruifeng Zhang, Youwen Long, Jinguang Cheng, JianzhongZhang, Yusheng Zhao, Changqing Jin, “Hardness, elastic, and electronicproperties of chromium monoboride”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 221902 (2015).

62. J. Zhang, J.Zhu, L. Wang and Y. Zhao, “A newlithium-rich anti-spinel in Li–O–Br system”, Chem. Comm. 51, 9666-9669(2015).

61. Hongwu Xu, Lili Wu, JinlongZhu, Alexandra Navrotsky, “Synthesis,characterization and thermochemistry of Cs-, Rb- and Sr-substituted bariumaluminium titanate hollandites”, Journal of Nuclear Materials459,70-76 (2015).

60. J. Frantti,J. Zhu et al, “Neutron powder diffraction study of Pb[Zrx(Fe2/3W1/3)1-x]O3solid-solutions”, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics 252, 1280-1290 (2015).

59. ZhenYuan, Jinlong Zhu, ShaopengZhang, Xiaohui Wang, Longtu Li, Changqin Jin, “Raman Spectroscopy Studies of Nanocrystalline Lead Zirconate Titanateas Functions of Particle Size and Pressure”, Spectroscopy Letters 48,521 (2015)


58. Jinglong Zhu, Zewei Quan, Yu-Shen Lin, Ying-Bing Jiang, Zhongwu Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, Changqing Jin, Yusheng Zhao, Zhenxian Liu, C. Jeffrey Brinker, and Hongwu Xu, "Porous IcePhases with VI and Distorted VII Structures Constrained in Nanoporous Silica", Nano Letters 14, 6554-6558 (2014)

57. Xiaohui Yu, Jinlong Zhu*, Shiyu Du, Hongwu Xu, Sven C. Vogel, JiantaoHan, Timothy C. Germann, Jianzhong Zhang, Changqing Jin, Joseph S. Francisco,and Yusheng Zhao, “Crystal structure andencapsulation dynamics of ice II-structured neon hydrate”, Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci.111, 10456 (2014)

56. Jinlong Zhu, Shiyu Du, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Hongwu Xu,       Sven C. Vogel,    Timothy C. Germann, Joseph S. Francisco, Fujio Izumi, KoichiMomma, Yukihiko Kawamura, Changqing Jin ,and Yusheng Zhao, “Encapsulation kineticsand dynamics of carbon monoxide in clathrate hydrate”, Nature Communications5,4128 (2014)

55. J. L. Zhu, J. Zhang, H. Xu, S. C. Vogel, C. Q. Jin, J. Frantti,Y. Zhao, “Pressured-induced reversalbetween thermal contraction and expansion in ferroelectric PbTiO3, ScientificReports 4, 3700 (2014)

54. P. P.Kong, F. Sun, L. Y. Xing, J. Zhu, S. J. Zhang, W. M. Li, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang,S. M. Feng, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu*, R. C. Yu, W. G. Yang, G. Y. Shen, Y. S. Zhao,R. Ahuja, H. K. Mao C. Q. Jin, “Superconductivity in Strong Spin OrbitalCoupling Compound Sb2Se3,ScientificReports4, 6679(2014)

53. Hsiu-Wen Wang, Victor R Fanelli, Helmut Matt Reiche, EricLarson, Mark A Taylor, Hongwu Xu, Jinlong Zhu, Joan Siewenie, Katharine L. Page, "Pressure/temperature fluid cell apparatus for the NPDF instrument: Probing atomic structure in situ", Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 125116(2014)

52. Jianzhong Zhang, Jiantao Han, Jinlong Zhu, Zhijun Lin, Maria H. Braga, Luke L. Daemen, Liping Wang, Yusheng Zhao, “High pressure-high temperature synthesis oflithium-rich Li3O(Cl,Br) and Li3−xCax/2OClanti-perovskite halides”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications48, 140-143 (2014)

51. B. J.Chen, K. Zhao, Z. Deng, W. Han, J. L.Zhu, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, B. Frandsen, L. Liu, S. Cheung, F. L. Ning,T. J. S. Munsie, T. Medina, G. M. Luke, J. P. Carl, J. Munevar, Y. J. Uemuraand C. Q. Jin, “(Sr, Na)( Zn, Mn)(2)As-2: A diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor with thehexagonal CaAl2Si2 type structure”, Phys.Rev. B 90, 155202 (2014)

50. J.Frantti, Y. Fujioka, J. Zhang, J. Zhu, S. C. Vogel, and Y. Zhao, "Microstrain intetragonal lead-zirconate-titanate: The effect of pressure on theionicdisplacements", Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 083901 (2014)

49. ShaopengZhang, Xiaohui Wang, Jinlong Zhu, Changqin Jin, Huiling Gong and Longtu Li, “Themicrostructure and ferroelectricity of BiScO3–PbTiO3nanoceramics at morphotropic phase boundaries”, Scripta Materialia 82,45-48 (2014)

48. J. J.Wu, J. F. Lin, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, J.L. Zhu, Y. M. Xiao, P. Chow, and C. Q. Jin, “Magnetic and structural transitions of SrFe2As2at high pressure and low temperature”, Scientific Reports4 3685 (2014)

47. K.Zhao, B. J. Chen, Z. Deng, W. Han, G. Q.Zhao, J. L. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, B. Frandsen, L. Liu, S.Cheung, F. L. Ning, T. J. S. Munsie, T. Medina, G. M. Luke, J. P. Carlo, J.Munevar, G. M. Zhang, Y. J. Uemura, C. Q. Jin, “(Ca,Na)(Zn,Mn)2As2: a new spin & chargedoping decoupled diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor with hexagonal CaAl2Si2structure”, J. Appl. Phys. 116 163906 (2014)

46. KZhao, B Chen, G Zhao, Z Yuan, Q Liu, Z Deng, J Zhu, C Jin, “Ferromagnetism at 230 K in (Ba0.7K0.3)(Zn0.85Mn0.15)2As2diluted magnetic semiconductor”, Chinese Science Bulletin59,2524-2527 (2014)

45. J. L. Zhu, W. Han, J. Zhang, H. Xu, S. C. Vogel, C. Q. Jin, F.Izumi, K. Momma, Y. Kawamura, and Y. Zhao, “Nuclear and charge density distributions inferroelectric PbTiO3: maximum entropy method analysis of neutron andX-ray diffraction data”, Powder Diffraction 28, 260 (2013)

44. J. L. Zhu, H. X. Yang, S. M. Feng, L. J. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, C. Q.Jin, X. H. Wang, L. T. Li, J. Yu, “The Multiferroic Properties of Bi (Fe1/2Cr1/2)O3Compound”, International Journal of Modern Physics B27, 1362023 (2013)

43. W.Han,J. L. Zhu*, S.J. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. H. Wang, Q. L. Wang, C. X. Gao, C. Q. Jin, “Phase transitions in nanoparticles of BaTiO3as function of temperature and pressure”, J. Appl. Phys.113, 193513(2013)

42. J. L. Zhu, S. M. Feng, Q. Q. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. C. Li, X.D. Li, J. Liu, Q. Z. Huang, Y. Zhao, C. Q. Jin, “Temperature and Pressure Effects of Multiferroic Bi2NiTiO6Compound”, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 143514 (2013)

41. ZeweiQuan, Hongwu Xu, Chenyu Wang, Xiaodong Wen, Yuxuan Wang, Jinlong Zhu, Ruipeng Li, Chris Sheehan, Zhongwu Wang,Detlef-M. Smilgies, Zhiping Luo, and Jiye Fang, “Solvent-Mediated Self-Assembly of Nanocube Superlattices”, J.Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 1352 (2013)

40. ZeweiQuan, Di Wu, Jinlong Zhu,Wiel H. Evers, James M. Boncella, Laurens D. A. Siebbeles, Zhongwu Wang,Alexandra Navrotsky, and Hongwu Xu, “Energylandscape of self-assembled superlattices of PbSe nanocrystals”, Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. 111, 9054-9057 (2013)

39. Jianzhong Zhang, JinlongZhu, Nenad Velisavljevic, Liping Wang, YushengZhao, “Thermal equation of state andthermodynamic Grüneisen parameterof beryllium metal”,  J.Appl. Phys. 114,173509 (2013)

38. J. J.Wu, J. F. Lin, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, J.L. Zhu, Y. M. Xiao, P. Chow, and C. Q. Jin, “Pressure-decoupled magnetic andstructural transitions of the parent compound of iron-based 122 superconductorsBaFe2As2,Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. 110, 17263 (2013)

37. J.Zhu, J. L. Zhang, P. P. Kong, S. J. Zhang, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, X. Li, R. C. Yu, R. Ahuja, W. G. Yang,G. Y. Shen, H. K. Mao, H. M. Weng, X. Dai, Z. Fang, Y. S. Zhao, C.Q. Jin, Superconductivityin Topological Insulator Sb2Te3, ScientificReports 3, 2016 (2013)

36. K.Zhao, Z. Deng, X. C. Wang, W. Han, J.L. Zhu, X. Li, Q. Q. Liu, R. C. Yu, T. Goko, B. Frandsen, L. Liu, F.Ning, Y. J. Uemura, H. Dabkowska, G. M. Luke, H. Luetkens, E. Morenzoni, S. R.Dunsiger, A. Senyshyn, P. Boni, and C. Q. Jin, “New diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor with Curie temperature up to180 K and isostructural to the ‘122’iron-based superconductors”, Nature Communications 4, 1442 (2013)

35. WangR, Yang C, Fan M, Wu M, Wang C, Yu X, ZhuJ, Zhang J, Li G, Huang Q, Chen D, Jin T, Kamiyama T, Liao F, Lin J, “Phase relationship of the TbO1.81-Mn3O4-Fe2O3system synthesized at 1200 C”.Journalof Alloys and Compounds 554, 385 (2013)

34. Z.Deng, K. Zhao, B. Gu, W. Han, J. L.Zhu, X. C. Wang, X. Li, Q. Q. Liu, R. C. Yu, T. Goko, B. Frandsen, L.Liu, Jinsong Zhang, Yayu Wang, F. L. Ning, S. Maekawa, Y. J. Uemura, C. Q. Jin,“Diluted ferromagnetic semiconductorLi(Zn,Mn)P with decoupled charge and spin doping”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 081203(2013)

33. P. P.Kong, J. L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, J. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, R. C. Yu, Z. Fang, C. Q.Jin, W. G. Yang, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu,Y. S. Zhao, “Superconductivity of thetopological insulator Bi2Se3 at high pressure”, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 362204 (2013)

32. LI Xiang, LIU Qing-Qing, FENG Shao-Min, ZHUJin-Long, CHEN Liang-Chen, JIN Chang-Qing, “The Six over Eight Type Double Stage Large Volume High Pressure andHigh Temperature Facilities and Their Applications to New Materials Syntheses”,ChineseJournal of High Pressure Physics 27, 223-229 (2013)

31. W. Han,K. Zhao, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, F. L. Ning, Z. Deng, Y. Liu, J. L. Zhu, C. Ding, H. Y.Man and C.Q. Jin, Dilutedferromagnetic semiconductor (LaCa)(ZnMn)SbO isostructural to “1111” type iron pnictide superconductors,SciChina-Phys Mech Astron56, 2026 (2013)

30. C. Q.Jin, Q. Q. Liu, Z. Deng, S. J. Zhang, L. Y. Xing, J. L. Zhu, P. P Kong, X. X. Wang, “Effects of Pressures on “111”Iron-Based Superconductors”, Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics27, 0473 (2013)

29. ChangQingJin, XianCheng Wang, QingQing Liu, SiJia Zhang, ShaoMin Feng, Zheng Deng, RiChengYu, JinLong Zhu, “New quantum matters: Build up versus highpressure tuning”, Science China Physics, Mechanics andAstronomy 56, 2337 (2013)

28. J. L. Zhu, W. Han, H. Zhang, Z. Yuan, X. H. Wang, L. T. Li, C. Q.Jin, “Phase Coexistence Evolution of Nano BaTiO3 as Function ofParticle Sizes and Temperatures”, J. Appl. Phys. 112,064110 (2012)

27. J. L. Zhu, S. Lin, S. M. Feng, L. J. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, C. Q.Jin, X. H. Wang, C. F. Zhong, L. T. Li, and W. W. Cao, “Pressure tuned ferroelectric reentrance in nano-BaTiO3ceramics”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 124107 (2012)

26. J. L. Zhu, Z. J. Lin, J. Z. Zhang, H. W. Xu, S. C. Vogel, C. Q.Jin, Y. S. Zhao, “High-pressure neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies oftetragonal LaO0.9F0.1FeAs”,HighPressure Research 32, 405 (2012)

25. Jiantao Han, JinlongZhu, Yutao Li, Xiaohui Yu, Shanmin Wang, Gang Wu, Hui Xie,Sven C. Vogel, Fujio Izumi, Koichi Momma, Yukihiko Kawamura, Yunhui Huang ,John B. Goodenough and Yusheng Zhao, Experimental visualization of lithium conduction pathwaysin garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12, Chem. Commun. 48, 9840-9842 (2012)

24. L. J.Wang, Y. S. Chai, S. M. Feng, J. L.Zhu, N. Manivannan, C. Q. Jin, Z. Z. Gong, X. H. Wang, and L. T. Li, “Largemagneto (thermo) dielectric effect in multiferroic orthorhombic LuMnO3,J.Appl. Phys. 111, 114103(2012)

23. ShanminWang, Xiaohui Yu, Zhijun Lin, Ruifeng Zhang, Duanwei He, Jiaqian Qin, Jinlong Zhu, Jiantao Han,Lin Wang, Ho-kwang Mao, Jianzhong Zhang, Yusheng Zhao, Synthesis,Crystal Structure, and Elastic Properties of Novel Tungsten Nitrides”,Chemistryof Materials 24,3023-3028 (2012)

22. ShanminWang, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Miao Chen, Jinlong Zhu, Liping Wang, Duanwei He,, Zhijun Lin, RuifengZhang, Kurt Leinenweber, and Yusheng Zhao, “Experimental invalidation ofphase-transition-induced elastic softening in CrN”,Phys. Rev. B 86, 064111 (2012)

21. LiangjieChen, Ruqiang Zou, Wei Xia, Zhenpu Liu, Yuanyuan Shang, Jinlong Zhu, Yingxia Wang, Jianhua Lin, Dingguo Xia, andAnyuan Cao, “Electro- and PhotodrivenPhase Change Composites Based on Wax-Infiltrated Carbon Nanotube Sponges”, ACSNano 6, 10884-10892 (2012)

17. J. L. Zhu, H.W. Xu, J.Z. Zhang, C.Q. Jin, L.P. Wang, Y.S. Zhao,“Thermalequations of state and phase relation of PbTiO3: A high P-Tsynchrotron x-ray diffraction study”, J. Appl. Phys. 110,073705 (2011)

20. FENG Shao-Min, WANG Li-Juan, ZHUJin-Long, LIU Qing-Qing, LI Feng-Ying, JIN Chang-Qing, “ Structure and Properties Modulation of RMnO3 MultiferroicMaterials by Average Ionic Radius at A-Site”, Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics 25, 143-146(2011)

19. Z.Deng, C. Q. Jin, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, J.L. Zhu, S. M. Feng, L. C. Chen, R. C. Yu, C. Arguello, T. Goko, F. L.Ning, J. S. Zhang, Y. Y. Wang, A. A. Aczel, T. Munsie, T. J. Williams, G. M.Luke, T. Kakeshita, S. Uchida, W. Higemoto, T. U. Ito, Bo Gu, S. Maekawa, G. D.Morris, Y. J. Uemura, “Li(Zn,Mn)As as a new generation ferromagnetbased on a I–II–V semiconductor”, Nature Communications 2, 422(2011)

18. Q. Q.Liu, X. H. Yu, X. C. Wang, Z. Deng, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, S. J. Zhang, H. Z. Liu, W. G. Yang, L. Wang, H. K.Mao, G. Y. Shen, Z. Y. Lu, Y. Ren, Z. Q. Chen, Z. J. Lin, Y. S. Zha, C. Q. Jin,“Pressure-Induced Isostructural Phase Transition andCorrelation of FeAs Coordination with the Superconducting Properties of111-Type Na1-xFeAs”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133,7892 (2011)

17. K.Zhao, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, Z. Deng, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, F. Y. Li, C. Q. Jin, “Dopingdependence of the superconductivity of (Ca1-xNax)Fe2As2, Phys.Rev. B 84, 184534 (2011)

16. X. C.Wang, S. J. Zhang, Q. Q. Liu, Z. Deng, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, S. M. Feng, C. Q. Jin, “Effect of pressure on "111"-type iron pnictide superconductor”,HighPressure Research 31, 7 (2011)

15. J. L. Zhu, S. M. Feng, L. J. Wang, C.Q. Jin, X. H. Wang, L. T. Li, Y. C. Li, X. D. Li, and J. Liu, “Structural stability of multiferroic BiFeO3, High Pressure Research 30, 265-272(2010)

14. K.Zhao, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, Z. Deng, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, F. Y. Li and C. Q. Jin, “Superconductivity above 33 K in (Ca1-xNax)Fe2As2, J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 222203 (2010)

13. X. C.Wang, Q. Q. Liu, Y. X. Lv, Z. Deng, K. Zhao, R. C. Yu, J. L. Zhu and C. Q. Jin, “Superconductingproperties of “111” typeLiFeAs iron arsenide single crystals”, Sci. China 53, 1199-1201(2010)

12. Z.Deng, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, S. J. Zhang, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, R. C. Yu, C. Q. Jin “Superconductivityof the “111” typeiron pnictide LiFeP”, Physica C 470, S309-S310 (2010)

11. C. Q.Jin, Q. Q. Liu, Y. W. Long, J. G. Zhao, Y. X. Lu, L. X. Yang, J. L. Zhu, and X. C. Wang, “High-pressure synthesis and properties of new functional compounds”,Phys.Status Solidi A 207, 2750-2756 (2010)

10. W. B.Gao, Q. Q. Liu, L. X. Yang, Y. Yu, F. Y. Li, X. C. Wang, J. L. Zhu, C. Q. Jin, S. Uchida, “Cation effects in new superconductors Sr2-xBaxCuO3+d,PhysicaC 470, S19-S20 (2010)

9. S. M. Feng, Y. S. Chai,J.L. Zhu, N. Manivannan, Y. S. Oh, L. J. Wang, Y. S. Yang, C. Q. Jin, and K. H.Kim. “Determination of the intrinsicferroelectric polarization in orthorhombic HoMnO3”,New Journal of Physics 12, 073006, (2010)

8. L. J. Wang, S. M.Feng, J. L. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, F. Y. Li, X. D. Li,J. Liu, and C. Q. Jin “Structuretransition of multiferroic hexagonal TmMnO3 compound under highpressure”,HighPressure Research 30, 258-264 (2010)

7. Z.Deng, X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, S. J. Zhang, Y. X. Lv, J. L. Zhu, R. C. Yu and C. Q. Jin, “A new “111” typeiron pnictide superconductor LiFeP”, Europhys. Lett. 87, 37004(2009)

6. Jinlong Zhu, Changqing Jin, Wenwu Cao, and Xiaohui Wang, “Phasetransition and dielectric properties of nanograin BaTiO3 ceramic under high pressure”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 242901 (2008)

5.  Jinlong Zhu, Shaomin Feng, Lijuan Wang, Fengying Li, Richeng Yu,Changqing Jin,High pressure effect of multiferroics,Reviewed article in Chinese versionChin. Sci. Bull. 53, 1149 (2008)

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