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Collaborative Research for Earth and Applied Materials (CREAM)



136, 06/22/2024, Article "Deviatoric stress-induced metallization, layer reconstruction and collapse of van der Waals bonded zirconium disulfide" was published by Communications Chemistry


This work describes the phase transition and pressure-induced metallization of ZrS2, a van der Waals layered material.

Yang, L., Li, J., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., and Hu, Q* Comm. Chem. 7, 141 (2024).

135, 06/13/2024, Perspective "Earth’s core–mantle boundary shaped by the crystallization of a hydrous terrestrial magma ocean" was published by National Science Review


In this perspective, we discuss the situation when Earth was crystalized from a hydrous magma ocean, in which we expect most ferric iron will partition into a pyrite-type (Fe,Mg)O2. Many heterogenuous structure might be explained by forming this phase.
Hu, Q.*, Deng, J.*, Zhuang, Y., Yang, Z. and Huang, R., Natl. Sci. Rev. 11, nwae169 (2024).

134, 05/18/2024, Qingyang organized a deep Earth volatile session at the Geoscience Conference for Early Career Scientists, Xiamen. A total of 14 talks were given, include alumni Dr. Yukai Zhuang (now at Sichuan U.) and Dr. Sensen Wu (now at Zhejiang U.). My group member Xuyan Cao, Chenghe Bai, Songsong Han also present posters.


133, 05/11/2024, Co-authored work "Pressure-induced emission in 0D metal halide (EATMP) SbBr5 by regulating exciton-phonon coupling" was published by Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry.
Liang et al., Chin. J. Struct. Chem. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2024.100333 (2024).

132, 04/11/2024, Qingyang attended EGU 2024 and gave a poster "Water modulate the Fe-Mg partitioning in Earth’s deep lower mantle". (EGU24-5856)

131, 04/08/2024, Co-authored work "Exciton engineering of 2D Ruddlesden–Popper perovskites by synergistically tuning the intra and interlayer structures" was published by Nature Communications.
Guo et al., Nat. Commun. 15, 3001 (2024).

130, 03/22/2024, Qingyang gave an invited talk at Conference of the Chinese Geophysical Union for Early Careers in Xi'an, with title “Core-mantle boundary structure originated from the crystallization of terrestial magma ocean.”

129, 03/18/2024, Article "Kinetic and thermodynamic transition pathways of silica by machine learning: implication for meteorite impacts" was published by Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


In this work, Xuyan conducted simulations using machine-learning potentials to study the transition kinetics of silica, with focus on the transition pathways connecting seifertite. She, and the team, discovered two kinetically favored transition pathways at ~10 and ~25 GPa, which are substantially lower than the stable pressure range of seifertite.
Cao, X., Han, S., Li, J., Zhu, S., and Hu* Q.J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 129, e2024JB028656 (2024).

128, 03/01/2024, Qingyang gave an invited talk at High Pressure Chemistry Symposium in Haikou, with title “Water controls Mg-Fe partition in Earth's deep lower mantle.”

127, 01/10/2024, Paper “Mechanisms for the rise of atmospheric oxygen: Bridging surface oxygenation processes and redox conditions of deep interiors” was published by Chinese Science Bulletin.


We propose Earth’s deep interiors may control the fluctuation of atmospheric oxygen.
Hu, Q*., Luo, G.* and Li, Yuan*, Chin. Sci. Bull. 69: 253–267 (2024).


126, 12/26/2023, Qingyang gave a seminar at Chengdu Institute of Technology


125, 12/18/2023, Qingyang gave a seminar at Jingdezhen Ceramic University. The inviter, Dr. Linfei Yang, was a prior postdoc in CREAM.


124, 12/14/2023, Qingyang delivered an oral presentation at the AGU, session MR32A-06, with title “Chemistry of organic carbon coagulation in Earth's deep interiors”.


123, 12/12/2023, Qingyang delivered an invited presentation at the AGU, session MR13A-05 with title “One dimensional superionic conduit in ultrahydrous stishovite”.


122, 11/23/2023, Junwei Li finished his Ph.D. thesis defense. Congratulations, Dr. Junwei Li!

121, 10/28/2023, Qingyang delivered an invited talk at the 9th Conference of Chinese Crystallographic Associate with title “Superstructure of hydrous stishovite”.


120, 10/23/2023, Qingyang delivered an invited talk at the 3rd conference on multidisciplinary sciences for Early career scientist with title “Water: the Chemical engine from deep Earth”.


119, 10/19/2023, Co-authored paper “ressure-modulated anomalous organic-inorganic interactions enhance structural distortion and second-harmonic generation in MHyPbBr3 perovskitewas published by the Journal of American Chemistry Society.
Mao, Y., Guo, S., Huang, X., Bu, K., Li, Z., Nguyen, P.Q.H., Liu, G., Hu, Q., Zhang, D., Fu, Y., Yang, W.*, and Lü, X.*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 23842-23848 (2023).


118, 09/28/2023, Qingyang gave an invited talk at the 18th Conference on Organic Earth sciences with title “Role of water, hydrous mineral and organic matter in Earth’s materials cycling”.


117, 09/22/2023, Junwei Li, Songsong Han and Xuyan Bai presented their posters at the conference of Habitable Earth - Geoscience for Sustainability. Qingyang gave a presentation with title “Chemistry of water during magma ocean crystallization”.


116, 09/01/2023, Paper “Silica-water superstructure and one-dimensional superionic conduit in Earth’s mantle” was published by Science Advances


We settled the heavily debated water incorporation mechanism in hydrous stishovite. Hydrous stishovite is a superstructure made composed of water channel and stishovite dry blocks.
Li, L., Lin, Y., Meier, T., Liu, Z., Yang, Y., Zhu, S.*, and Hu, Q.*,. Sci. Adv. 9, eadh3784 (2023).


115, 08/31/2023, Ms. Chenghe Bai joined our team as a graduate student.
Chenghe received her bachelor's degree of science from Jilin university. She will conduct experiment in my group.

114, 08/22/2023, Qingyang gave a talk at the 2nd Conference on Bio­geoscience with title “Conversion of inorganic­organic carbon in deep Earth”.


113, 07/21/2023, Qingyang presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference: Interior of the Earth (South Hadley, USA) with title “Seismic anisotropy at Earth’s core mantle boundary”.


112, 07/19/2023, co-authored paper “Manipulating Peierls distortion in van der Waals NbOX2 maximizes second-harmonic generation was published by the Journal of American Chemistry Society.
Fu, T., Bu, K., Sun, X., Wang, D., Feng, X., Guo, S., Sun, Z., Fang, Y., Hu, Q., Ding, Y., Zhai, T., Huang, F.*, Lü X.*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 16828-16834 (2023).


111, 07/18/2023, co-authored paper “Anomalous charge transfer from organic ligands to metal halides in zero-dimensional [(C6H5)4P]2SbCl5 enabled by pressure-induced lone pair-π Interactionwas published by Angewandte Chemie
Luo, H., Bu, K., Yin, Y., Wang, D., Shi, C., Guo, S., Fu, T., Liang, J., Liu, B., Zhang, D., Xu, L.-J., Hu, Q., Ding, Y., Jin, S., Yang, W., Ma, B., Lü, X., Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 62, e202304494 (2023).


110, 07/11/2023, Qingyang delivered an oral talk at the Goldschmidt 2023 (Lyon, France) with title “Seismic wave velocity of Al-rich hydrous phases at Earth’s core mantle boundary”.


109, 04/23/2023, Qingyang gave a seminar at the Jilin University, Changchun.

108, 03/22/2023, Qingyang received the Houdefeng Award early career scientist for his research on dense hydrous minerals and deep water cycle.
The award is given by the Chinese Society for Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry to memorize Prof. Defeng Hou's extrodinarinary contribution to geology and geochemistry. [news link].


107, 02/28/2023, Paper “Phase diagram and thermoelastic property of iron oxyhydroxide across the spin crossover under extreme conditions” was published by Physical Review B


In this work, we clarified the spin-transition of FeOOH through dynamic compression (by Sichuan U.) and computation.
Gan, B., Jiang, G., Huang, Y., Zhang, H., Hu, Q.* and Zhang, Y.*, 107, 064106 (2023).


106, 02/27/2023, Qingyang delivered an invited talk at the 2nd conference on multidisciplinary sciences for Early career scientist with title “Deep water cycle: case of superionic hydrous minerals”.


105, 01/12/2023, Paper “Mechanochemistry and the evolution of ionic bonds in dense silver iodide” was published by the Journal of American Chemistry Society Au


We explained the ionic interaction of AgI at pressure beyond its superionic phase.
Li, J., Geng, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, P., Garbarino, G., Miao, M., Hu, Q.* and Wang, X.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. Au, 3, 402-408 (2023).


104, 12/14/2022, Qingyang gave an online poster at the AGU 2022. The title of the poster is "Packing water molecules in dense stishovite". We discuss the water incorporation mechanism and its effects in Earth's mantle.


103, 11/23/2022, Nature conference serie "Frontiers of High Pressure Research – Science under Extreme Conditions" has been successfully closed in Shanghai. During the conference, Ms. Xuyan Cao from CREAM is among the winners of Poster Award. Congratulations, Xuyan!


102, 11/02/2022, Co-authored paper "Reconfiguring band-edge states and charge distribution of organic semiconductor–incorporated 2D perovskites via pressure gating." was published by Science Advances.
Research led by Songtao Guo and Xujie Lü demostrate the pressure effects on 2D perovskite materials.

Guo, S., Li, Y., Mao, Y., Tao, W., Bu, K., Fu, T., Zhao, C., Luo, H., Hu, Q., Zhu, H., Shi, E., Yang, W., Dou, L., and Lü, X.*, Sci. Adv. 8, eadd1984 (2022).


101, 10/02/2022, Qingyang gave an online seminar at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter Chinese Academy of Sciences. The title of the seminar is "Hydrous minerals under extreme conditions".

100, 09/15/2022, Article "Hydrous SiO2 in subducted oceanic crust and H2O transport to the core-mantle boundary" was published by Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


Dr. Yanhao Lin and the team quantify the water content of stishovite and post-stishovite phases at the conditions up to Earth's core mantle boundary. The results imply silica is a promising water carrier to such extreme conditions.

Lin, Y.*, Hu, Q.*, Walter, M.J.*, Yang, J., Meng, Y., Feng, X., Zhuang, Y., Cohen, R.E. and Mao, H.-K.* E, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 594, 117708 (2022)

99, 08/31/2022, Ms. Xuyan Cao joined the group of CREAM. She is pursuing Ph.D. degree at HPSTAR. Welcome, Xuyan!

98, 08/31/2022, Dr. Linfei Yang accept a professorship position at Jingdezhen Ceramic University. Congratulations!

97, 08/09/2022, Co-authored paper "Nested order-disorder framework containing a crystalline matrix with self-filled amorphous-like innards" was published by Nature Communications.
Kejun Bu and Dr. Xujie Lü led research to unveil a novel type of condensed solid in which order and disordered frameworks can co-exist.

Bu, K., Hu, Q., et al., Xujie Lü, Nat. Commun. 13, 1-9 (2022).

96, 07/21/2022, Qingyang shared his research with students at the HPSTAR 2022 summer camp.

95, 07/20/2022, Qingyang received the GRC Van Valkenburg Award and gave a talk at the Gorden Research Conference. The title of the talk is "Chemistry, transport property and architecture of dense water-bearing phases".

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94, 07/14/2022, Qingyang gave a talk at the Goldschmidt 2022. The title of the talk is "Electrical conductivity of dense hydrous FeOOH and FeO2Hx".


93, 07/01/2022, Qingyang visit Dr. Qiang Zhu, Dr. Shi-chun Sun and Dr. Oliver Tschauner at the University of Nervada at Las Vegas.

92, 06/09/2022, Co-authored paper "Piezochromic luminescence of dicoronylene: Key for revealing hidden Raman modes at high pressure" was published by Carbon
Dr. Takeshi Nakagawa led the research to reveal the pressure effects on the optical propertie of dicoronylene.

Nakagawa, T.*, et al., Hu, Q., Ding, Y.*, and Mao, H.-K., Carbon 197, 563-569 (2022).

91, 06/06/2022, Article "Tracing the Anharmonicity and Superionic Phase Transition of Hydrous FeO2H" was published by Frontiers in Earth Science


It is possible to detect the ordered-crystal to superionic state phase transition by NMR spectroscopy. In this work, we conduct first-principles calculation to test the power of NMR in this implication.
Hu, Q.* and Tang, M. Front. Earth Sci. 10, 913122 (2022).

90, 06/02/2022, Article "The evolution of electrical conductivity and semiconductor to metal transition of iron oxides at extreme conditions" was published by Chinese Physics B


This paper reviews latest research on the electric conductivity of iron oxides under high-pressure-temperature conditions.
Zhuang, Y. and 
Hu, Q.* Chin. Phys. B 31, 089101 (2022).

89, 04/23/2022, Qingyang gave an online presentation for the State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University. The title of the presentation is "Hydrous materials under extreme conditions".

88, 04/15/2022, Co-authored paper "High pressure-temperature phase relations of basaltic crust up to mid-mantle conditions" was published by Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Dr. Takayuki Ishii, the group leader, study the composition and phases of basaltic crust to the P-T conditions of Earth's mid-mantle. The results will be a benchmark to access MORB compositions in the lower mantle.

Ishii, T.*, Miyajima, N., Criniti, G., Hu, Q., Glazyrin, K. and Katsura T. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 584, 117472 (2022).

87, 04/14/2022, Article "Topological ordering of memory glass on extended length scales" was published by Journal of the American Chemical Society


We found a hidden long-range topological orderings in compressed AlPO4. Such long-range orderings may exist in a variety of pressure-induced amorphzied materials.
Zhu, S.*, Gu, W., Zhang D., Xu, L., Liu Z.-P., Mao, H-k., and
Hu, Q.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 7414-7421 (2022).

86, 04/01/2022, Article "Mid-mantle water transportation implied by the electrical and seismic ε-FeOOH" was published by Science Bulletin


Dr. Yukai Zhung traces the electricl and seismic properties of ε-FeOOH and finds this materials can explain the heterogenuous scatterers in the mid-lower mantle. This work will be publised in the middle of 2022.
Zhuang Y.; Gan B.; Cui, Z.; Tang, R.; Tao, R.; Hou, M.; Jiang G.; Popescu C.; Garbarino G.; Zhang, Y.* and Hu, Q.* Sci. Bull. 2022.

85, 02/21/2022, Articl"Medium-range structure motifs of complex iron oxides" was published by Journal of Applied Physics.


In this review article, we summarize the arrangment and organization of Fe-O polyhedra that build complex iron oxides under high-pressure conditions. The same structural motifs can be used to predict other iron oxides and their possible properties.
Huang, S. and Hu, Q.* J. Appl. Phys. 131, 070902 (2022).

84, 02/01/2022, Articl"High temperature melting curve of basaltic glass by laser flash heating" was published by Chinese Physical Letters.


Yukai Zhuang, former CREAM member now an associate professor at Sichuan University, introduced the laser-heating system available at CREAM, HPSTAR. Using a basalt glass sample, the system successfully measures the melting temperature of the MORB composition under high pressure.
Zhuang, Y.; Li. J.; Lu, W.; Yang X.; Du, Z.*; and Hu, Q.* Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 020701 (2022).

83. 01/15/2022, Article "Freeze-thaw controlled aggregation mechanism of humic acid-coated goethite: Implications for organic carbon preservation. " was published by Geoderma.


Sensen Wu synthesized and characterizd a goethite-humic acid aggregate using freeze-thaw. This is also Sensen's Ph.D. thesis at GYIG.
Wu, S.; Liu, C., Li, X., Xiao, B.* and Hu, Q.* Geoderma, 406, 115514 (2022).

82, 12/21/2021, Qingyang presented at the 10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research (ACHPR-10).
Qingyang gave an invited talk at ACHPR-10. The title of the talk is "Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous FeOOH and FeO2Hx", which highlight Yukai's submitted work on the electrical conductivity of FeOOH and Mingqiang/Yu's superionic FeOOH paper.

81, 11/24/2021, Articl"Ultrasound elasticity of diamond at gigapascal pressures" was published by Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the USA.


This article demostrats that the hardest known natural mineral, diamond, can be used to establish a robust primary pressure scale as long as it keeps a well-defined covalent-bonded solid. We conducted ultrasonic interferometry experiment up to 12 GPa to examine and have validated this method.
Hu, Q.; Li, B., Gao, X.; Bi, Y; Su L., and Mao, H.-k..* Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118, e2118490118 (2021)

80, 11/23/2021, Sensen Wu passed Ph.D. thesis defense at GYIG. Congratulations, Dr. Wu!

79. 11/03/2021, Two papers were published by Matter and Radiatiation at Extremes


The first article discussed a historic problem in coorelating the bulk modulus and the vibration frequency of diamond. The validity of theory was verified up to 1 terapascal. The second work is a perspective letter to look into the problem of superionic phase in Earth's deep interiors. The large-scale impact of diffusive hydrogen in dense minerals are discussed.
Q. Hu and Mao. H.-K. Matter Radit. Extreme. 6, 068403 (2021).
Q. Hu and Mao. H.-K. Matter Radit. Extreme. 6, 068101 (2021).

78, 10/28/2021, Qingyang gave a talk at ALBA-II workshop.
Qingyang was invited to give an online presentation at ALBA-II workshop, Spain. The title of the talk is "The storage, chemistry and transportation of water in Earth´s deep lower mantle".

77, 09/13/2021, Qingyang gave a public talk on CC forum. The link can be found here.

76. 09/02/2021, Article "Phase transition mechanism and bandgap engineering of Sb2S3 at gigapascal pressures" was published by Communcations Chemistry.


Zhongxun Cui led a research on the high-pressure phase transition in Sb2S3 and the team, mainly from HPSTAR, found a 2D-3D structural collapse under high pressure. Zhongxun is now a graduate at Imperial College London, UK.
Cui, Z., Bu, K., Zhuang, Y., Donnelly M.-E., Zhang, D., Dalladay-Simpson P., Howie, R., Zhang, J., Lü, X., and Hu, Q.* Commun. Chem., 4, 125 (2021).

75, 08/26/2021, Co-authored paper "Unraveling the structural transition mechanism of room-temperature compressed graphite carbon" was published by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
The work is led by Shengcai Zhu from Sun-Yet Sen University and the team uncovered the transition mechanism of cold compressed graphite.

74, 08/01/2021, Qingyang shared his group's recent progress on the phase transition of FeOOH at the Xplorer's 50^2 meeting in Shenzhen. 

73, 07/12/2021, Qingyang is one of the 3 winners of the MRE Young Scientist Award.
The award is for Qingyang's contibution in understading hydrogen behaviors in superionic hydrous phases. Details can be found here

72, 07/10/2021, Qingyang participated the sixth geoinformation science conference in Shanghai and gave a talk on deep water. 

71, 07/03/2021, Linfei and Junwei attended the From Atom to Earth conference of Earth and planetary sciences in Guiyang, held by GYIG, CAS. Linfei has a poster on the pressure-induced trasition in sulfate.

70. 06/10/2021, Article "Metallization of quantum material GaTa4Se8 at high pressure" was published by the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.

Collaborator team led by Hongshan Deng and Yang Ding studied the Mott-type phase transition and proceeded metallization in quantum material GaTa4Se8
Deng, et al.,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 5601-5607 (2021).

69, 05/25/2021, Shanghai HPSTAR was interviewed by《知识分子》. News can be found here

68, 05/20/2021, Qingyang visited Institution of Geology and Geophysics, CAS and attndeded a colloquium.
The colloquium was organizd by Dr. Zhigang Zhang. We discussd water in Earth's surfce and its deep interiors.

67, 05/14/2021, Dr. Shenghua Mei from Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited HPSTAR through invitation.
Dr. Mei gave a seminar presentation with title "Experiment study on mantle rheology". He also talked with HPSTAR PIs on site.

66, 05/13/2021, Dr. Shengwen Tang from Wuhan University visited HPSTAR and CREAM through invitation.
Dr. Tang is a professor on film metal and ceramics. He gave an excellent seminar and had internal discussion with us on the synthesis of hydrous calcium silicate thin films. We agreed to develop futher collaboration in the near future.

65, 04/29/2021, Dr. Yukai Zhuang, also HPSTAR alumni, came as a visiting scholar for a month at HPSTAR.

64. 04/28/2021, Qingyang visited the International Center for Computational Method and Software, Jilin University.

63. 04/27/2021, The 2021 EGU general assemly is onllne this year and Qingyang gave a talk with title "Solid to superionic phase transition in FeOOH" .

62. 04/22/2021, On the way back from Zhuhai, Qingyang was at Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS and met with staffs to establish collaboration between chemistry, materials science and high-pressure sciences.

61. 04/19/2021, Qingyang gave an invited talk at the CCS annul meeting, Zhuhai, Guangdong. The title of the talk is "Fe-O-H chemistry under high pressure".

60. 04/08/2021, Special issue "Key Problems of the Deep Earth" was published by National Science Review.
In this collection, 12 authors from 5 countries and 7 afilliations contributes their cutting edge knowledge to the community. This include articles
"Mineralogy of the deep lower mantle in the presence of H2O" and "Evidence for oxygenation of Fe-Mg oxides at mid-mantle conditions and the rise of deep oxygen" led by HPSTAR. 
Natl Sci. Rev. 8 issue 4 (2021).


59. 03/15/2021, Article "Superionic iron oxide-hydroxide in Earth’s deep mantle" was published by Nature Geoscience.
This work is a continuion of project "Deep mantle chemistry". The dense hydrous phase FeO2Hx will enter an exotic superionic phase under high temperature. 
Hou. M., He, Y., Jang, B.G., Sun, S., Zhuang, Y., Deng, L., Tang, R., Chen, J., Ke, F., Meng, Y., Prakapenka, V.B., Chen, B., Shim, J.H., Liu, J*., Kim, D.K.*, 
Hu, Q.*, Pickard, C.J., Needs, R.J., Mao, H.-K., Nat. Geosci. 14, 171-178 (2021).


58. 01/19/2021, Article "Enhanced photocurrent of all-inorganic two-dimensional perovskite Cs2PbI2Cl2 via pressure-regulated excitonic features" was published by Journal of the American Chemistry Society.
Collaborator team led by Songtao Guo and Xujie Lv found pressurization will substanially enhanced the photocurrent in Cs2PbI2Cl2
Songhao Guo, Kejun Bu, Jiangwei Li, Qingyang Hu, Hui Luo, Yihui He, Yanhui Wu, Dongzhou Zhang, Yongsheng Zhao, Wenge Yang, Mercouri G Kanatzidis, Xujie Lü, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 2545-4551 (2021).

57. 12/05/2020, Qingyang gave an invited talk at 2020 American Geophysics Union annual conference (online)

The title of the talk is "Interaction between water and ferropericlase in Earth’s lower mantle".

56. 12/04/2020, Article "Suppressed lattice disorder for large emission enhancement and structural robustness in hybrid lead iodide perovskite discovered by high-pressure isotope effect" was published by Advanced Functional Materials.
Collaborator team led by Linping Kong and Gang Liu studied the isotopic effects on the functionalities of MAPbI3-based solar cells. Heaviers isotope doping can enhance the mechanical stability and significantly improve solar energy efficient. 
Kong, L., Gong, J., Hu, Q., et al.Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009131 (2020).

55. 11/30/2020, Article "Regulating off-centering distortion maximizes photoluminescence in halide perovskites" was published by National Science Review.
Xujie Lü and team established a relation between the inorganic block and photon emission efficiecy in halide perovskite solar-cell materials. The results may help to find the optimal crystal structure for solar cell instrudty. 
Lü, X., Stoumpos, C., Hu, Q., et al.Natl. Sci. Rev. 8, nwaa288 (2021).

54. 11/15/2020, Qingyang received the 2020 XPLORER Prize for his contribution in deep mantle superoxides.

53. 10/14/2020, Qingyang was at the Institution of Physics CAS - HPSTAR collaborative symposium in Huairou,Beijing.
The conference foces on high-pressure technology and multiple implications of high-pressure sciences. Qingyang introduced recent progress in projects of high-pressure mineral physics.

52. 10/14/2020, Dr. Yukai Zhuang attended CGU annual meeting 2020 in Chongqing.
CGU stands for Chinese Geophysics Union. Yukai delivered an oral presentation on the structural and electronic transition of e-FeOOH under high pressure.

51. 09/25/2020, Qingyang gave a talk at Forum for Physics Frontiers held by Jilin University.
Qingyang attended the seminar and gave a talk on the topic of deep lower mantle mineral physics.

50. 09/10/2020, Sensen Wu joined CREAM for his Ph.D. thesis.
Junwei was Ph.D. candidate at Guiyang Institution of Geochemistry, CAS. His will collaborate with us on his Ph.D. thesis.

49. 09/07/2020, Qingyang attended EHPRG 2020 in Tenerife, Spain.
EHPRG stands for European High Pressure Research Group Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology. During the meeting, Qingyang gave a talk under the title "Reservoirs and behavior of hydrogen in Earth’s lower mantle".

48. 09/06/2020, Junwei Li joined CREAM as a Ph.D. student.
Junwei was a lab manager at South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS. His major is Materials Science and Engineering. He will work on projects related to hydrous minerals under high-pressure.

47. 09/04/2020, Article "Structure and stability of iron fluoride at high pressure–temperature and implication for a new reservoir of fluorine in the deep Earth" was published by Minerals.
Our team found a new high-pressure phase of FeF3 that suggests possible fluorine reservoirs in Earth's lower mantle.
 Lin, Y., Hu, Q., Zhu, L., and Meng, Y., Minerals. 10, 783 (2020).


46. 09/01/2020, Article "Reaching 90% photoluminescence quantum yield in one-dimensional metal halide C4N2H14PbBr4 by pressure-suppressed nonradiative loss" was published by J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Collaborator team led by Xujie Lü discovered high photoluminescence quantum efficiency in one-dimensional metal halide. 
Y., Guo, S., Luo, H., Zhou, C., Lin, H., Ma, X., Hu, Q., Du, M.-H., Ma, B., Yang, W. and Lü, X., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 16001-16006 (2020).

45. 08/26/2020, Qingyang gave a seminar at Sichuan University.
Qingyang visited the high-pressure physics lab in Sichuan University and joined the seminar with students. The seminar discussed recent progress in mineral physics and chemistry in Earth's low mantle.

44. 08/14/2020, Qingyang was at COMPRES annual meeting.
Qingyang gave a brief talk online under the title "Metallic hydrous phase with implication to mantle electrical heterogeneity".

43. 07/14/2020, Article "Highly tunable properties in pressure-treated two-dimensional Dion–Jacobson perovskites" was published by Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the USA.
Collaborator Lingping Kong a 2D perosvkite for the application of solar cell materials.
Kong, L., Liu, G., Gong, J., Mao, L., Chen, M., Hu, Q., Lü, X., Yang, W., Kanatzidis, M.G. and Mao, H.-K. 
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 117, 16121-16126 (2020).

42. 06/12/2020, Qingyang attended the colloquium "Oxygen fugacity in subduction slabs".
The colloquium is organized by HPSTAR's Renbiao Tao and is composed of 13 online talks from 12 institutes. Video and summary of the colloquium can be found here.


41. 05/10/2020, Article "Potential Interaction of Noble Gas Atoms and Anionic Electrons in Ca2N" was published by Journal of Physical Chemistry C.
Qin Qin et al. investigated the interactions between noble gas and electrides under pressure. Electrides, though has large empty interstices, is reluctant to accept inert gas atoms. 
Qin, Q., Wan, B; Yan, B., Gao, B., Hu, Q., Zhang, D., Hosono, H. and Gou, H. J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 12213-12219 (2020).


40. 06/12/2020, Qingyang contributed a solicited talk at EGU general assembly (online).
The title of the talk is "Mineral reservoirs and behaviors of hydrogen in Earth’s lower mantle" which belongs to the ses
sion “Earth as a tectonically living planet: the role of water. Abstract can be found here.

39. 05/07/2020, Article "Diffused morphotropic phase boundary in relaxor-PbTiO3 crystals: High piezoelectricity with improved thermal stability" was published by Applied Physics Review.
Gang Liu from HPSTAR discovered a highly stable, higher efficiency solid solution materials for ferroelectrics. Liu, G., Kong, L., 
Hu, Q. and Zhang, S. Appl. Phys. Rev. 7, 021405 (2020).

38. 03/19/2020, Article "Deviatoric stress induced quasi-reconstructive phase transition in ZnTe" was published by Journal of Material Chemistry C.
Applying deviatoric stress induces multifold effects on the chemical properties of materials. In ZnTe, it directly alters its transition category. Please see the article for details. 
Zhuang, Y., Wu, L., Gao, B., Cui, Z., Gou, H., Zhang, D., Zhu, S.* and Hu, Q.* J. Mater. Chem. C. 8, 3795-3799 (2020).


37. 01/07/2020, Article "Evidence for the stability of ultrahydrous stishovite in Earth's lower mantle" was published by Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the USA
Similar to wadsleyite and ringwoodite, the high pressure polymorphs of silica, the stishovite, is able to store weight percent level of water in its crystal lattice. Congratulations Yanhao! 
Lin, Y.*, Hu, Q.
*, Meng, Y., Walter, M. and Mao, H.-K.*, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 184-189 (2020).


36. 12/11/2019, Qingyang was at the AGU Fall Meeting 
Qingyang gave a poster presentation on "Water mineral chemistry at Earth's lower mantle".

35. 12/11/2019, Qingyang was at the 2nd High Pressure Chemistry conference at Guangzhou. 
Qingyang gave a talk titled "Simple and novel chemistry of Fe under high pressure".

34. 10/27/2019, Qingyang was at the Chinese geophysics unions annual conference at Beijing. 
Qingyang gave a talk titled "Influence of water in lower mantle mineral". Thank the committee for invitation.

33. 08/02/2019, Dr. Yukai Zhuang presented work at the 4th Symposium on Atomistic to Global Scale of High Pressure Earth Science. 
Dr. Zhuang gave a presentation on his recent work of hydrogen in the solid solution of FeO2 and FeOOH.

32. 07/15/2019, Article "Electronic spin transition in FeO2: Evidence for Fe(II) with peroxide O2-" was published by Physics Review B
Jang Bo Gyu led the research. The spin transition of FeO2 was calculated and experimented measured under pressure. The spin transition occurs over the pressure range of 40-65 GPa. 

31. 07/15/2019, Article "Experimental Evidence for Partially Dehydrogenated ε-FeOOH" was published by Crystals[pdf]
Yukai led a research on the hydrogen behavior in the solid solution of FeOOH and FeO2. CREAM members Zhongxun and Qingyang are co-authors of this paper. Congratulations! Zhuang, Y., Cui, Z., Zhang, D., Liu, J., Tao, R. and Hu, Q.*, Crystals, 9, 356 (2019).


30. 02/28/2019, Article "Giant Enhancements in Electronic Transport and Photoelectric Properties of Bismuth Oxysulfide by Pressure-driven 2D-3D Structural Reconstruction" was published by Journal of Materials Chemistry A[pdf]
Guanghua Zhang from HPSTAR led the research. The work investigated the pressure induced phase transition in bismuth oxysulfide. 


29. 01/15/2019, Zhongxun Cui joined CREAM. 
Zhongxun will work as a graduate student at HPSTAR in the summer of 2019. He arrived earlier to work on his undergraduate thesis project. He can be found in room A321.

28. 01/11/2019, Article "Altered chemistry of oxygen and iron under deep Earth conditions" was published by Nature Communications. [pdf] 
The work continues our investigation on the iron superoxide. We clarify the magnetic and electronic structure in the pyrite-FeO2Hx. Liu, J., Hu, Q.*, Bi, W., Yang, L., Xiao, Y., Chow, P., Meng, Y., Prakapenka, V. B., Mao, H.-K.* and Mao, W. L.* Nat. Commun. 10, 153 (2019). 


27. 12/09/2018, Article "Structural Controlled Oxygen Concentration Change in Fe2O3 and FeO2" was published by Inorganic Chemistry. [pdf]
The work discoveries two competing transition pathways originated from perovskite-type Fe2O3. Using first-principles simulation and x-ray diffraction experiments, the transition to FeO2 was found to prevail at high-pressure and temperature conditions. Congratulations Shengcai and Jin! 
Zhu, S., Liu, J., Hu, Q.*, Mao, W. L., Meng, Y., Zhang, D., Mao, H. K. and Zhu, Q.* 
Inorg. Chem. (2018). 


26. 10/26/2018, Qingyang was at the National Youth Geoscience Conference in Nanjing.
The geoscience meeting was organized by Nanjing University. Qingyang contributed a talk named "Iron oxides under deep lower mantle conditions".


25. 10/22/2018, Qingyang  was at the Annual Meeting of Chinese Geoscience Union in Beijing.
The annual meeting organized by Chinese Geoscience Union provided the perfect platform for geoscientists from all fields. Qingyang joined sessions about high-pressure mineral physics and spoke about groups' recent progress on hydrogen-bearing FeO2.


24. 09/24/2018, Qingyang  was at the IUCr workshop of high pressure crystallography in Tianjin.
The meeting was held by Chinese union of crystallography and the session on sciences at the extreme conditions was led by Dr. Changqing Jin of CAS. Qingyang was in the session and shared progress in the mechanism of synthesizing high-pressure superoxide.


23. 09/01/2018, Co-authored paper "MetaltoSemiconductor Transition and Electronic Dimensionality Reduction of Ca2N Electride under Pressure" was published by Advanced Science.
The project was led by Dr. Huiyang Gou of HPSTAR. The work studied the interesting pressure-induced effects on the electride of Ca2N. 
Adv. Sci. 5, 1800666 (2018).

22. 08/24/2018, Qingyang was at the 17th High Pressure Meeting of China in Changchun, Jilin.
The meeting was held by Chinese High-Pressure community every two years. Qingyang was in the high-pressure Earth science session and talked about synthesis of oxygen-rich materials in deep Earth's interior.

22. 08/24/2018, Qingyang was Goldschmidt 2018, Boston.
Qingyang is one of the conveners of session "Mineralogy, Petrology and Processes in the Mantle Transition Zone and the Lower Mantle Budgets and Isotopic Compositions of Volatiles in the Interior of the Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets".

21. 07/20/2018, Co-authored paper "Isothermal pressure-derived metastable states in 2D hybrid perovskites showing enduring bandgap narrowing" was published by PNAS.
The work was led by Dr. Gang Liu of HPSTAR. It reported a metastable phase during the decompression of 2D organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite. 
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 8076-8081 (2018).


20. 05/16/2018, Qingyang  was in Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei.
Qingyang also gave a presentation to introduce their recent research on FeO2 and FeO2Hx.

19. 05/08/2018, Qingyang  contributed a seminar presentation at University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui.
The title of the talk is "Oxygen rich phase in Earth's deep mantle."


18. 04/27/2018, Qingyang  was at the seminar in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Qingyang gave a seminar presentation at the University of Nevada Las Vegas with title "Earth's Oxygen rich phases".


17. 04/24/2018, Qingyang  participated a colloquium at the Depatment of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University.
The colloquium at Nanjing University called on discussions of new advances in lower mantle chemistry, including the production of oxygen-rich domains from hydrous minerals, deep Earth's oxygen cycles and related hypothesis about Earth's geological events.


16. 04/20/2018, Qingyang was at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science
The visit was for a on-going collaboration with the group led by Dr. Liwen Deng on the deep Earth oxygen-rich mineral project. A talk was given at the same time.

15. 04/19/2018, Qingyang gave a talk at the Geology Seminar at Peking University.
The name of the talk was "Oxygen rich phases in Earth's deep mantle", introducing our recent progress in deep Earth chemistry.


14. 03/14/2018, Qingyang contributed a talk at the Deep Volatiles, Energy and Environments Summits at Shanghai.
The talk summarized our recent progress on deep mantle chemistry.

13. 12/15/2017, Qingyang contributed a talk at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
The talk was about our theoretical work on the dehydrogenation of FeOOH at high pressure. The original work could be found here.


12. 12/08/2017, Co-authored paper "Revealing the formation mechanism of ultrahard nanotwinned diamond from onion carbon" was published by Carbon.
The project was led by Dr. Huiyang Gou. The work conducts comprehensive studies on the formation mechanism and pressure-temperature effects on nanotwined diamond. 

Carbon. 129, 159-167 (2018).

11. 11/23/2017, "Hydrogen-bearingiron peroxide and the origin of ultralow-velocity zones" was published by Nature.

The article by Jin and co-authors raised new geoscience application of the pyriteFeO2Hx phase. The pyrite-phase is accumulating at the lowermost mantle through water and iron reaction. The slow seismic velocity travelling in FeO2Hx makes it a direct candidate to explain the mysterous ultra-low veocity zones. Liu, J., Hu, Q., Kim, D. Y., Wu, Z., Wang, W., Xiao, Y., Paul, C., Meng, Y., Prakapenka, V. B., Mao, H.-K. and Mao, W. L. Nature, 551, 494-497 (2017).
Highligh by Sign of the Times, EurekAlert! and CIW

10. 11/14/2017, Qingyang contributed a talk at the 1st HYU-HPSTAR-CIS workshop at Jeju, South Korea
The talk summarized our group's recent research on the mantle oxygen reservior and volatile cyclings (like O and H) in Earth's interiors.

9. 10/03/2017, Co-authored paper "Two-Regimes of Bandgap Redshift and Partial Ambient Retention in Pressure Treated Two-dimensional Perovskites" was published by ACS Energy Letters.
The project was led by Dr. Liu Gang. The work presented the pressure effects on bandgap of 2D organic-inorganic perovskites. ACS Energy Lett. 2. 2518-2524 (2017).

8. 09/27/2017, Qingyang contributed a poster at the 5th High Power Laser workshop at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
The poster was about the dehydrogenation mechanism of FeO2Hx as in our JACS paper.

7. 09/08/2017, "When Water Meets Iron at Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary" is published by National Science Review.

In this work, Dr. Ho-kwang Mao established various chemical reactions between any iron-oxides and water at core-mantle boundary condtions. The formation of py-phase from water and the inexhaustive core iron leaves a giant mantle oxygen reservior and will lead to the long-term chemical instability of the earth.
H.-K. Mao,
Q. Hu, L. Yang, J. Liu, D. Y. Kim, Y. Meng, L. Zhang, V. B. Prakapenka, W. Yang and W. L. Mao. Natl. Sci. Rev. 4, 870-878 (2017).
Highligh by Newsweek, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert! and SciTechDaily
Highligh by CIW

6. 08/22/2017, "Hydrogen Bond Symmetrization Breakdown and Dehydrogenation Mechanism of FeO2H at High Pressure" is published by JACS.

The work combined simulation and experiment to report the transition and dehydrogenation mechanism of FeO2H under high pressure. Work was led by HPSTAR postdoc Shengcai Zhu, congratulation!
S. Zhu,
Q. Hu*, W. L. Mao, H.-K. Mao, H. W. Sheng. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 12129-12132 (2017).
Spotlight by JACS

5. 08/21/2017, An invited talk "Formation of FeO2 at high pressure and Earth's oxygen cycling" was presented at AIRAPT 26, Beijing.
The talk was given by Dr. Wenge Yang, who shows our previous work on the synthesis of FeO
2 at Earth's mantle condition and how it can influence the cycling of elements in Earth's interiors.

4. 05/24/2017, Co-authored paper "Structural evolution behavior of manganese monophosphide under high pressure: experimental and theoretical study" was published by JPCM.
This was a collaboration work with Dr. Zhenghai Yu and Dr. Lin Wang at HPSTAR. The paper reported the structural evolution of MnP up to near megabar pressure. J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 29, 254002 (2017).

3. 03/31/2017, "Stability limits and transformation pathways of α-quartz under high pressure" was published by PRB.

In this work, the authors reported two distinct high-pressure transition mechanism for quartz silica. In experiments, quartz followed a thermal activated pathway to a Si-O six-coordinated phase. Simulation predicted under low-temperature condition, quartz transits to a metastable structure with oxygen body-center cubic lattice induced by phonon instability.
Q. Hu, J-F. Shu, W. G. Yang, C. Park, M. W. Chen, T. Fujita, H.-K. Mao, H. W. Sheng. Phys. Rev. B 95 104112 (2017).

2. 03/13/ 2017, Qingyang contributed a talk "Discovery of pyrite-structured FeO2 at high pressure" at American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
In this talk, we showed recent experiment and simulation results on how hydrogen and oxygen elements are seperated and cycled in Earth's interiors.

1. 02/01/2017, "Dehydrogenation of goethite in Earth’s deep lower mantle." was published by PNAS.

In this study, the authors quantified the hydrogen content in FeO2Hx and introduced a new factor, the molecule hydrogen, will influence redox behaviors at the bottom of Earth's mantle.
Q. Hu, D. Y. Kim, J. Liu, Y. Meng, L. Yang, D. Zhang, W. L. Mao, H.-K. Mao. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, 1498-1501 (2017).
Highligh by Nature Review Chemistry
Highligh by Geochemistry News, HPCAT and GL

0. 01/01/2017, Qingyang Hu officially joined HPSTAR.