Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research

Photo Gallery

2018年9月25日, 毛河光院士和陈斌研究员访问哈工大, 与韩杰才副校长讨论双边合作;

NCP group meeting with Toshimori Sekine and Alexander soldatov_Sep.21,2018

NCP Group Discussion with Visitor Klaus-Dieter Liss, May.31, 2018

Shanghai Lab Director Bin Chen with PI Toshimori Sekine and Academician Vladimir Fortov, May. 10, 2018

NCP  Group Meeting Jan.22, 2018

Experiments in NSLS-Ⅱ in Jan.2018

Experiments in NSLS-Ⅱ in Jan.2018

NCP Group and Guests( 7 Nov, 2017)

Photo of NCP Group and Guests (23 May, 2014)

Group Meeting (23 May, 2014)

Discussion meeting with Dr. Su-Ying Chien, a postdoc candidate from University of Cambridge (14 May 2014)

Discussion meeting with Professor Raymond Jeanloz of UC Berkeley (May 2014)

High pressure experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory---Sample loading (Nov. 2013)

High pressure experiments at beamline X17C in Brookhaven National Laboratory (Nov. 2013)

High pressure experiments at beamline U2A in Brookhaven National Laboratory (Nov. 2013)