Center for High Pressure Science &Technology Advanced Research

List of publications:

1.       Zhidan Zeng, Liuxiang Yang, Qiaoshi Zeng*, Hongbo Lou,Hongwei Sheng, Jianguo Wen*, Dean J. Miller, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Wendy L. Mao,and Ho-kwang Mao*, Synthesis of quenchableamorphous diamond, Nature Communications, 8, 322, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00395-w (2017).

2.       Qiaoshi Zeng*, ZhidanZeng, Hongbo Lou, Yoshio Kono, Bo Zhang, CurtisKenney-Benson, Changyong Park, and Wendy Mao, Pressure-induced elastic anomalyin a polyamorphous metallic glass, Appl.Phys. Lett., 110,221902 (2017).

3.       FeiZhang, Yuan Wu, Hongbo Lou, Zhidan Zeng, Vitali Prakapenka,Eran Greenberg, Yang Ren, Jinyuan Yan, John S. Okasinski, Yong Liu, QiaoshiZeng*, and Zhaoping Lu*, Polymorphism ina high-entropy alloy, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15687 (2017).

4.       Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng, Seok Woo Lee, Wendy L. Mao, and Yi Cui, In situ measurement of lithiation-inducedstress in silicon nanoparticles using micro-Raman spectroscopy, Nano Energy, 22, 105 (2016).

5.       Qiaoshi Zeng, YuLin, Yijin Liu, Zhidan Zeng, Crystal Y. Shi, Bo Zhang, Hongbo Lou, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, YoshioKono, Curtis Kenney-Benson, Changyong Park, Wenge Yang, Weihua Wang, HongweiSheng, Ho-kwang Mao, and Wendy L. Mao, A general 2.5 power law of metallicglasses, PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1525390113(2016).

6.       Yang Ding,Liuxiang Yang, Cheng-Chien Chen,Heung-Sik Kim, Myung Joon Han, Wei Luo, ZhenxingFeng, Mary Upton, Diego Casa, Jungho Kim, Thomas Gog, ZhidanZeng, Gang Cao, Ho-kwang Mao, and Michel vanVeenendaal, Pressure-induced confined metal from the Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7,Phys. Rev. Letts., 116, 216402(2016).

7.       Zhidan Zeng,* Qingfeng Zeng, Nian Liu, Artem R. Oganov, Qiaoshi Zeng, Yi Cui, andWendy L. Mao*,A novel phase ofLi15Si4 synthesized under pressure, Adv. Energy Mater., 5, 1500214 (2015).

8.       Zhao Zhao, QiaoshiZeng, Haijun Zhang, Shibing Wang, Shigeto Hirai, Zhidan Zeng, Wendy. L. Mao, Structural transition andamorphization in compressed alpha-Sb2O3, Phys.Rev. B, 91, 184112 (2015).

9.       QiaoshiZeng, Yoshio Kono, Yu Lin, ZhidanZeng, Junyue Wang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, ChangyongPark, Yue Meng, Wenge Yang, Ho-Kwang Mao, Wendy L Mao, Universal fractional noncubic power law for density of metallic glasses,Phys. Rev. Letts. , 112, 185502 (2014).

10.   Zhidan Zeng*, Qiaoshi Zeng, Wendy L Mao, Shaoxing Qu, Phase transitions in metastable phases of silicon, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 103514 (2014).

11.   Zhidan Zeng, Nian Liu, Qiaoshi Zeng; Yang Ding; Shaoxing Qu; Yi Cui;Wendy L Mao, Elastic moduli ofpolycrystalline Li15Si4 produced in lithium ion batteriesJ. PowerSources, 242, 732 (2013)

12.   Qiaoshi Zeng,Wendy L. Mao, Hongwei Sheng, Zhidan Zeng, Qingyang Hu, Yue Meng, Hongbo Lou, Fang Peng,Wenge Yang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, and Jianzhong Jiang, The effect of composition on pressure-induced devitrification inmetallic glasses,Appl. Phys. Lett.102, 171905 (2013)

13.   Zhidan Zeng, J. D. Murphy, R. J.Falster, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, and P. R. Wilshaw, The effect of impurity-induced lattice strain and Fermi level positionon low temperature oxygen diffusion in silicon,J. Appl. Phys., 109, 063532 (2011).

14.   Zhidan Zeng, Lin Wang, Xiangyang Ma, Shaoxing Qu, Jiahe Chen,Yonggang Liu and Deren Yang, Improvement in the mechanical performance of Czochralskisilicon under indentation by germanium doping,Scripta.Mater., 64, 832 (2011).

15.   Zhidan Zeng, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Deren Yang, Immobilization of dislocations by oxygenprecipitates in Czochralski silicon: Feasibility of precipitation strengtheningmechanism, J. Cryst. Growth, 324, 93 (2011).

16.   Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma*, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng,Deren Yang, YonggangLiu, Effects of heavy phosphorus-dopingon mechanical properties of Czochralski silicon, J. Appl. Phys., 107,123503(2010).

17.   Zhidan Zeng, Xiangyang Ma, Jiahe Chen, Yuheng Zeng, Deren Yang, IRatschinski, F Hevroth, HS Leipner, Effectof oxygen precipitates on dislocation motion in Czochralski silicon, J.Cryst. Growth, 312, 169(2010).

18.   Zhidan Zeng, XY Ma, JH Chen, DR Yang, Influences of Oxygen Precipitation on VickersHardness of Czochralski Silicon, Chinese J. rare metals (in Chinese),33, 758 (2009).

19.   YHZeng, JH Chen, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng,DR Yang, Grown-in defects in heavilyphosphorus-doped Czochralski silicon, Physica B, 404, 4619(2009).

20.   JH Chen, DR Yang,XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng, DX Tian, LB Li, DL Que, LF Gong,Influence of germanium doping on the mechanicalstrength of Czochralski silicon wafers,J. Appl. Phys.,103, 123521(2008).

21.   YHZeng, DR Yang, XY Ma, Zhidan Zeng,DL Que, LF Gong, DX Tian, LB Li, Achromium-free etchant for delineation of defects in heavily doped n-typesilicon wafers, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 11, 131(2008).