Title: My tenure at Oakland University: a zigzag road to high-pressure research | 我在奥克兰大学任职:曲折道路高压研究
Title: The Structural and Electrical Transport Properties of Compressed AlAs, SnSe, and GeTe | 高压下AlAs、SnSe及 GeTe的结构和电输运性质研究
Title: Barochemistry in Dense Molecular Solids
Title: Superconductivity, magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in Tl-based 3d metallic chalcogenides
Title: How to get published in Nature Communications (and its sister journals)
Title: High-energy X-ray microfocusing and applications to pair distribution function investigation of Pt and Au nanoparticles at high pressures
Title: High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
Title: The investigation on structural evolution behavior of intermetallic compounds under extreme conditions
Title: Unconventional superconductivity in strongly correlated materials
Title: Abnormal behavior in silicate melt systems at extreme conditions
Title: Phase-change memory materials under high pressure
Title: Novel high-pressure materials with unusual bonding patterns and stoichiometries
Title: Atomic Scale Visualization of Light Elements in Advanced Functional Oxide Materials
Title: Crystallographic Innovations in material science under extreme conditions
Title: Magnetic, electronic and structural transitions at high pressures
Title: The Revealing Role of Pressure in Materials and Energy Sciences
Title: Plasmon damping in graphene
Title: Microstructure study on the intergrowth bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics Bi7Ti4NbO21
Title: Low-dimensional nitrates of transition metals
Title: Pressure Tuned Insulator-Metal Transition in Mott systems