HPSTAR and CNPEM (the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials) have signed a memorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation.
HPSTAR staff scientist Dr. Yanhao Lin, is a recipient of the 2024 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists.
HPSTAR Staff scientist, Dr. Philip Dalladay-Simpson, was given the MRE Young Scientist Award for being honored in recognition of of his contributions on high-pressure physics, chemistry, mateirals, Earth and planetary sciences.
HPSTAR Staff scientist Qingyang Hu won the 2020 Alvin Van Valkenburg Award at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC).
Dr. Duckyoung Kim, a staff scientist of HPSTAR was awarded the 2021 "Tianhe's award" for the outstanding work on superionic iron oxide-hydroxide (FeO2H) in Earth's deep mantle.
Science, Nature两刊报道下地幔重要矿物"毛钙硅石"
来自美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校的Oliver Tschauner 教授团队在Orapa金伯利岩筒的金刚石中首次发现了具有CaSiO3成分的钙钛矿型矿物包体,并以北京高压科学研究中心主任,毛河光院士英文名命名:“Davemaoite”
北京高压科学研究中心缑慧阳研究员(洪堡学者)课题组博士后唐虎博士获得2020年“德国洪堡研究基金”资助(Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers)。
Sept. 20, 2019, invited by HPSTAR director Dr. Ho-Kwang Mao, Nature editors Drs. Rebecca Neely and Graham Simpkins visited HPSTAR Shanghai.
北京高压科学研究中心刘锦研究员获得2019 AIRAPT Jamieson Award奖,用于表彰其在地球深部水与新型铁氧化合物等方面做出的杰出成果。
Recently, Dr. Haiyan Zheng was interviewed by Nature about her research career and the development for female scientists in China.