Yang Ding, an invited presentation “A Novel Stripe Phase in Bi2212 Superconductor”, the 9th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research; Session Chair. Singapore, Sept. 30-Oct 3, 2018.
Yang Ding, an invited presentation “A Novel Ribbon Phase in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductor”, the 7th Chinese Crystallography Conference; Session Chair. Tian Jian, China, Sept. 25-28, 2018.
Yang Ding, gave an invited presentation “A Novel Micronscale Ribbon like Phase in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+b Superconductor”, the20th Chinese High-Pressure Science Conference”; Session Chair. Jilin, China, Aug.22-26 2018.
2018年8月18日,我组国家自然科学基金面上基金项目“ 高压调控下的4f电子态研究”获得国家自然科学基金委员会正式批准。项目批准号:11874075
J. Patrick Clancy, HlynurGretarsson, Jennifer A. Sears, Yogesh Singh, Serge Desgreniers, KavitaMehlawat, Samar Layek, Gregory Kh. Rozenberg, Yang Ding, Mary H. Upton,Diego Casa, Ning Chen, Junhyuck Im, Yongjae Lee, Ravi Yadav, Liviu Hozoi,Dmitri Efremov, Jeroen van den Brink and Young June Kim, Pressure drivencollapse of the relativistic electronic ground state in a honeycomb iridate, npj Quantum Materials (2018) 3:35; doi:10.1038/s41535-018-0109-0. (见科学网的报道: http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlpaper/201883011485373647206.shtm)
Jianbo Zhang, Yang Ding*, ChengChien Chen, Zhonghou Cai, Jun Chang, Bijuan Chen, Xinguo Hong, Andrei Fluerasu, Yugang Zhang, ChingShun Ku, Dale Brewe, Steve Heald, Hirofumi Ishii, Nozomu Hiraoka, KuDing Tsuei, Wenjun Liu, Zhan Zhang, Yong Q. Cai, Genda Gu, Tetsuo Irifune, and Hokwang Mao, Evolution of a Novel Ribbon Phase in Optimally Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δat High Pressure and Its Implication to High TC Superconductivity, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, pp 4182/4188 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01849, Publication Date (Web): July 6, 2018.
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01849 (见《中国科学报》的报道:http://news.sciencenet.cn/sbhtmlnews/2018/7/337414.shtm)
Yang Ding, invited presentation “Electron Correlated Systems atHigh Pressure”, Thermec’2018, Paris, France, 9-13 July 2018.
Ph.D student Hongshan Deng received a 2017-HPSTAR Student-Scholarship from HPSTAR on June 8th 2018.
Raimundas Sereika*, Wei Wu, Changyong Park, Curtis Kenney Benson, Dale L. Brewe, Steve M. Heald, Jianbo Zhang, Sorb Yesudhas,Hongshan Deng, Bijuan Chen, Jianlin Luo, Yang Ding*, and Ho-kwang Mao, Prolonged mixed phase induced by high pressure in MnRuP, Phys. Rev. B, 97, 214103 (2018).
Yang Ding is inivited by Dr. Wei Xu from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences research institutes to present a talk "HighPressure Inelastic Xray ScatteringScience and its Prospects" at workshop "Inelastic Xray scattering 2018:instrumentation and applicationsIHEP" on May 11th, 2018, Beijing, China.
HoKwang Mao, XiaJia Chen, Yang Ding, Bing Li, and Lin Wang, Solids, liquids, and gases under high pressure, Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 015007 – Published 20 March 2018.
Professor Jimin Zhao, from Institue of Physics, CAS, visited XSG at HPSTAR and presented a seminar “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Quantum Matters | 量子材料的超快光谱学” on Jan 18, 2018. http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/25/8376.html
Dr. Yang Ding is invited by Dr. Yoshiharu Sakurai to present a Seminar talk "High pressure Synchrotron study of electron correlated systems" at SPring-8, Japan on Dec 20th 2017.
Dr Yang Ding presented at European Material Resarch Society (EMRS) 2017 Fall meeting as a Organizer, Session Chair, and invited speakers at Session H" Energy & functional materials: high pressure, high temperature synthesis & characterization" from Sept. 18-21, 2017 at Warsaw, Poland.
Dr. Ming Feng Tian, Associate Professor at Condense Matter Physics, Beijing Institute of AppliedPhysics and Computational Mathematics, CEAP presented a seminar "The phase transitions in cerium studied by an LDA + Gutzwiller method"; Dr. Ya Fan ZHAO, MetallicMaterial Group in Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, also presented a seminar "Structure search method : from development toapplication" at XSG, Beijing HPSTAR, on Sept. 15 2017.
Dr Yang Ding presanted an Invited Lecture "High pressure study of the electron correlated systems" at 55th "European High Pressure Research Group" (EHPRG) meeting (session 23 Energy materials under high pressure: experiment & theory) , Poznan, Poland, from Sept. 3-8 2017.
Dr Yang Ding, as one of its Programm Committee members, was invited as a session chair at the "10th international conference on Inelastic Xray Scattering Conference (IXS2017)", Hamburg, Gemany, from Aug 28-Sept 1st., 2017.
Group members Drs. Bijuan Chen, Jianbo Zhang, Raimundas Seraika, Sorb, Y.A., student Hongshan Deng, presented oral or poster presentations, and Dr. Yang Ding cochaired "Nuclear Resonant and Inelastic X-ray Scattering at High Pressures" at the 26th AIRAPT International Conference on on High pressure science and technology, Beijing, China, Aug 19-23, 2017.
Professor Arun Banil, from Institue of Physics, CAS, is invited to present a seminar “ Topological Phases of Quantum Matter as Novel Platforms for Fundamental Science and Applications” at Beijing HPSTAR on June 11, 2017. http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/25/7245.html
Dr. Yang Ding was invited by Prof. Mingliang Tian to give a seminar "高压下强关联体系的同步辐射研究“ at 中科院中国科学院强磁场科学中心, on June 9th, 2017.
Dr. Yang Ding was invited by Prof. Jinguang Chen to give a seminar "高压下强关联体系的同步辐射研究" at 中科院物理所-极端室青年学术论坛 on May 10th 2017.
Student Yin Xia joined XSG on May 8th 2017.
Dr. Yang Ding is invited to give two presentations at Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions - SMEC2017 from April 19 2017 at Miami, USA. The first presentation is "Correlation of Novel Micronscale Ribbon like Phase and TC in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+b Superconductor" at symposium 'Layered superconductors and related functional materials". The second presentation is "RIXS Study of Electron Strongly Correlated Systems at High Pressure" at symposium "Correlated Electron Systems and Thermoelectric Materials at High Pressures"
Professor Youguo Shi, from Institue of Physics, CAS, visited XSG at HPSTAR and presented a seminar “ 新材料探索以及功能材料单晶生长” on Jan 13, 2017.
2016 HPSTAR annual staff meeting was held at Shanghai HPSTAR center on Jan. 10th 2017.
Professor Jinguang Cheng, from Institue of Physics, CAS, visited XSG at HPSTAR and presented a seminar “ Unconventional superconductivity under high pressure | 高压下非常规超导体研究” on Dec 06, 2017. http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/25/6484.html
Dr. Yang Ding attended EMRS fall 2016 as an organizer of symposium from Sept 19-26, 2016, at Warsaw, Poland.
Dr. Bijuan Chen joined XSG on Sept. 20, 2016.
Master Degree student Hongshan Deng joined XSG on Sept 1st. 2016
Dr. Yan Li, an editor of Phys. Rev. B, visited our group and HPSTAR at Beijing on Aug. 5th, 2016
Yang Ding presented a seminar "探究高压下的固体量子态” for HPSTAR Summer Camp on July 13, 2016.
Professor Cheng Chien Chen, from Univeristy of Alabama, USA, visited XSG at HPSTAR andpresented a seminar “Topological Order and Symmetry Protected TopologicalPhase: Numerical Studies of Spin liquid on Kagome and Honeycomb Lattice” on July 8, 2016. http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/25/5334.html
Yang Ding is on the APS page in the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation"http://journals.iucr.org/s/issues/2016/04/00/s160400aps.pdf"
Yang Ding et. al. "Pressure Induced Confined Metal from the Mott Insulator Sr3Ir2O7" has been published on Phys. Rev. Letts., on May 27 2,106. Highligt at HPSTAR:http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/27/5008.html. and at APS, Argonne National Lab: https://www1.aps.anl.gov/APS-Science-Highlight/2016/discovery-novel-confined-metal-high-pressure
Dr. Yang Ding hasanInvited talk “Novel Pressure Induced Confined Metal from the Mott Insulator Sr3Ir2O7” atThermec06, Graze, Austria, (May 26, 2016).
Dr. Jianbo Zhang joined XSG in April 2016.
Dr. Y.A. Sorb joined XSG in March 2016.
Dr. Raimundas Sereika joined XSG in Feb 2016.
Dr. Yang Ding hasan invited Seminar: “Novel Pressure Induced Confined Metal from the Mott InsulatorSr3Ir2O7”,at NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory, (Feb. 19, 2016).
Dr. Yang Ding isinvited as the Session Chair of “Focused Topic II:Extreme Conditions” atthe “The 9th International Conference on Inelastic X-rayScattering”, NSRRC, Taiwan. (Nov 22-26, 2015).
Dr. Yang Ding hasan invited Invited seminar: "Pressure Tuned Insulator Metal Transition in Mott systems",at HPSTAR, Shanghai, (October 16, 2015).
Dr. Yang Ding hasan Invited talk: “Elementary excitation of spin orbit assisted Mott insulator Sr3Ir2O7at high pressure”, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) 2015 FallMeeting; Symposium“High pressure as a tool to design & synthesize new High Tc superconductor,hard materials & multifunctional oxides”. Warsaw, Poland, (Sept. 15-18,2015).
Professor Xiangang Wan, from Nanjing University, visited XSG at HPSTAR and presented a seminar "5d过渡金属氧化物中的奇异量子物性研究" on October 14, 2015. link: http://hpstar.ac.cn/contents/25/1930.html.
Dr. Yang Ding joined HPSTSR and formed XSG in Jan. 2016