Title: Experimental Simulations of Planetary Interiors
Title: Silver fluorides hosting immensely strong superexchange as candidates for novel superconductors
Title: Quantum Falaco Solitons
Title: High-energy X-ray Techniques and Their Applications in SPring-8
Title: Opportunities for Research at the Canadian Light Source XAS: A Molecular Scale Approach
Title: Photoemission studies of high-temperature superconductors under mechanical strain
Title: Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of electronegative guests filled CoSb3-based skutterudites
Title: Fate of Lunar Water
Title: “Quantum-Sized” Metal Nanoparticles for Photochemical Energy Conversion
Title: Redoxreaction and Earth’s deep volatile cycle
Title: Anomalous growth transition of an ice crystal under fast compression
Title: Multiple pathways of ice nucleation under dynamic pressure and a liquid-liquid transition of Ti liquid metal
Title: Nanocrystal Assembly, Superlattice Decoding and Controllable Processing for Materials Design
Title: Mineralogy of the deep mantle
Title: In-situ and time-resolved diffraction from metals related to thermo mechanical processes
Title: Atomic Imaging Functional Heterostructures and Interfaces by Phasing Coherent Bragg Rods for Correlated Materials and Energy Systems
Title: Extreme conditions microdiffraction, an overview of results and paths forward
Title: Exploring the Earth_sqlquote_s interior with the elasticity of minerals
Title: Ultrafast time-resolved analysis of shock-driven structure transformation of forsterite using power laser and XFEL at SACLA